thority to measure quality, quantity, performance, or
service. As a supervisor, you must ensure that the
standards are met that are set by the Navy, your ship
and division, and you. The standards that you will
deal with on a continuing basis are performance stan-
dards and equipment standards, as described in the
following subsections. Use these standards to develop
a training program for your division to encompass
all aspects of your subordinates rating.
basic skills and knowledges concerning the
well-being of Navy personnel.
An example of an E-6 naval standard is:
NAVSTD 944601 Write enlisted
performance evaluations.
NAVSTDs are also used for curriculum develop-
ment at basic training commands and apprentice train-
ing facilities.
Occupational Standards
Performance standards include naval standards
(NAVSTDs), occupational standards (OCCSTDs), and
personnel qualification standards (PQSs). The Manual
of Navy Enlisted Manpower and Personnel Classifica-
tions and Occupational Standards, NAVPERS 18068
(commonly called the Occupational Standards Man-
ual lists the minimum skills requirements for each
rate within each rating. You are probably already fa-
miliar with much of this information.
Naval Standards
Naval standmds (NAVSTDs) are task statements
that are not rating specific. They are the basis on
which the military requirements training manuals are
Section I of NAVPERS 18068 lists the naval stan-
dards (NAVSTDs) for each paygrade. These are the
skills and knowledges essential to the overall effec-
tiveness of the enlisted personnel in the performance
of their duties.
Naval standards encompass
military requirements,
essential virtues of professionalism,
pride of service in support of the oath of en-
maintenance of good order and discipline, and
Occupational standards (OCCSTDs) are rating-
specific skills and knowledges. They are listed in
NAVPERS 18068 for each rating. (Since OCCSTDs
are rating specific, they cannot be performed by all
Navy personnel advancing to chief petty officer. They
apply only to personnel in a specific rating.)
These OCCSTDs are only the minimum require-
ments for enlisted occupational skills. The content of
the training manual you are now reading is based on
the OCCSTDs for FC1 and FCC.
OCCSTDs are used in the development of training
manuals and rating advancement exams. They are also
used in the development of class A and class C school
curricula, formal shipboard training, on-the-job train-
ing (OJT), and general rating training for divisions.
NAVPERS 18068 is kept current by numbered
changes. However, these changes are issued more fre-
quently than most training manuals can be revised.
Therefore, the training manuals may not always reflect
the latest OCCSTDs.
Since the advancement examinations are also based
on Navy OCCSTDs, you should always check the
latest changes to ensure that your personnel know the
current requirements for advancement in the rating.
An example of an FCC occupational standard is:
OCCSTD K464 Modify weapons
and target pairing.