Figure 3-23.—Digita1 display indicator.changes. It then transmits the input words to the CDScomputer in response to interrogations.ANALOG AREA.— The analog area receives DCand DU pulse trains, range marks, end-of-sweep, andvideo from the RDDS. This data is used to generatethe sensor sweep and video display. The digital areaof a CIGARS-equipped console provides the symbolcontrol signals (SIGN X, X, 2X, SIGN Y, Y, 2Y, Z,and W) and offset data for sweep and symbology. Insystems that use a symbol generator, symbolwaveforms and unblinking signals are inputteddirectly into the analog section.Digital Display Indicator (DDI)The IP-1304/UYA-4(V) digital display indicator(DDI) shown in figure 3-23 is also called digital dataindicator.It is a raster scan formatted videomonitor. It accepts computer-generated alphanumeric(ASCII) and line display data, stores the data in aninternal refresh (video) memory, and converts thestored data into monochrome raster scan videosignals.The DDI is capable of displaying sixteen 64-character lines (1,024 characters) in the internal videomode. The DDI is also designed to produce a525-line TV display, from an external TV source, inthe external video mode.The DDI is an independent air-cooled, addressablemonitor. It is may be mounted on top of the displayconsole or in a stand-alone configuration as anauxiliary cathode readout (ACRO or CRO). It acceptsdata directly from the computer (DCI) or through thePA. When mounted on a console, the DDI is daisychained with the console. The computer output datais routed through the DDI before going to the consoledigital area.3-18
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