NUMBER OF FURNACESCONTROL OF SUPERHEATAll boilers commonly used in the propulsionA boiler that provides some means ofplants of naval ships may be classified as eithercontrolling the degree of superheat independentlySINGLE-FURNACE BOILERS or DOUBLE-of the rate of steam generation is said to haveFURNACE BOILERS. The D-type boiler is aCONTROLLED SUPERHEAT. A boiler insingle-furnace boiler; the M-type boiler is awhich such separate control is not possible is saiddouble-furnace (divided-furnace) have UNCONTROLLED SUPERHEAT.Normally, the term superheat control boilerBURNER LOCATIONis used to identify a double-furnace boiler. Theterm uncontrolled superheat boiler is used toNaval boilers are also classified on the basisidentify a single-furnace boiler.of where their burners are located. Most burnersin naval propulsion plants are located at the frontof the boiler. These are called FRONT-FIREDOPERATING PRESSUREBOILERS. Other ships, such as the AO-177 andLKA-113 class ships, have their burners on thetop of the boilers. These are called TOP-FIREDBOILERS.FURNACE PRESSUREAnother convenient boiler classification isbased on the air pressure used in the furnace. Mostboilers in use in naval propulsion plants operatewith a slight air pressure (seldom over 5 psig) inthe boiler furnace. This slight pressure is notenough to justify calling these boilers pressurized-furnace boilers. However, some boilers installedon naval ships are truly pressurized-furnaceboilers. They are called PRESSURE-FIRED orSUPERCHARGED BOILERS. These furnacesare maintained under a positive air pressure ofabout 65 psia (about 50 psig) when operated atfull power. The air pressure in these boilerfurnaces is maintained by special air compressorscalled superchargers.TYPE OF SUPERHEATERSOn almost all boilers used in the propulsionplants of naval ships, the superheater tubes areprotected from radiant heat by water screen tubes.The water screen tubes absorb the intense radiantheat of the furnace, and the superheater tubes areheated by convection currents rather than bydirect radiation. These superheaters are calledCONVECTION-TYPE SUPERHEATERS.In a few older ships, the superheater tubes arenot screened by water screen tubes but are exposeddirectly to the radiant heat of the furnace.Superheaters of this design are called RADIANT-TYPE SUPERHEATERS.For some purposes, it is convenient to classifyboilers according to operating pressure. Mostclassification of this type are approximate ratherthan exact. Header-type boilers and some olderdrum-type boilers are often called 400-PSIBOILERS even though their operating pressuresrange from about 435 psi to 700 psi.The term high-pressure boiler is at present usedrather loosely to identify any boiler that operatesat a substantially higher pressure than the so-called 600-PSI BOILERS. In general, we will con-sider any boiler that operates at 751 psi or aboveas a high-pressure boiler. Many boilers in navalships operate at about 1200 psi. These boilers arereferred to as 1200-PSI BOILERS.As you can see, classifying boilers by operatingpressure is not very precise since actual operatingpressure may vary widely within any one group.Also, any classification based on operatingpressure may easily become obsolete. What is calleda high-pressure boiler today may well be calleda low-pressure boiler tomorrow.BOILER COMPONENTSBoilers used onboard naval ships haveessentially the same components: steam and waterdrums, generating and circulating tubes, super-heaters, economizers, and accessories and fittingsfor controlling steam pressure and temperatureand other aspects of boiler control and operation.Figure 4-1 shows a cutaway view of a D-typeboiler. You should refer to this figure as a guideto the arrangement of the boiler components. Aswe discuss the boiler and its components, imaginethat you are assembling a similar boiler. As you4-4
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