Textbook Assignment: Introduction to Basic Radar Systems, chapter 1, pages 1-1 through 1-11;
Basic Radar Systems, chapter 2, pages 2-1 through 2-30; and
Radar Safety, chapter 3, pages 3-1 through 3-7.
1-1. Radar surface angular measurements are normally
made from which direction?
1. Counter-clockwise from true north
2. Clockwise from true north
3. North/south
4. East/west
1-2. The angle measured clockwise from true north in
the horizontal plane defines which of the following
1. True north
2. Line-of-sight range
3. True bearing/azimuth
4. Horizontal plane
1-3. Which of the following factors does NOT affect
the maximum range of a pulse-radar system?
1. Pulse-repetition frequency
2. Peak power of the transmitted pulse
3. Diameter of the radar dish
4. Carrier frequency
1-4. The angle between the centerline of the ship and a
line pointed directly at a target is called
1. relative bearing
2. angular bearing
3. true bearing
4. angle north
1-5. What is the most common method used to transmit
radar energy?
1. Frequency-modulation
2. Continuous-wave
3. Doppler
4. Pulse
1-6. What method of transmitting radar energy can be
modified to use the Doppler effect?
1. Agile
2. Pulse
3. Continuous-wave
4. Frequency-modulation
1-7. Azimuth is a word that can be substituted for
1. pulse
2. range
3. bearing
4. frequency
1-8. According to the block diagram figure 1-4, what is
considered to be the heart of a fundamental radar
1. Antenna system
2. Transmitter
3. Modulator
4. Duplexer
1-9. High power in the transmitter can be obtained by
using which of the following components?
1. Modulator
2. Magnetron
3. Klystron
4. Either 2 or 3 above
1-10. Which of the following subsystems is used to
convert RF echoes to a lower frequency?
1. Superheterodyne receiver
2. Antenna system
3. Transmitter
4. Duplexer