Table 3-2.Safe Separation Distances for Radar, Electronic Warfare, and Navigational Aids Equipment
RF BURNS. Voltages of enough potential to
However, during maintenance, some hazards must be
cause a burn injury can be induced on metallic items
eliminated by specific, planned actions, such as tag-
from nearby transmitting antennas. However, there
outs, man-aloft chits, and equipment safety devices.
must be actual physical contact for the burn to occur.
Using all safety precautions is the personal respon-
You can help prevent contact by ensuring that warn-
sibility of the technician.
ing signs are placed properly and are obeyed.
TAG-OUTS. Hanging a proper tag can save
Safety Precautions
your life. Using tags improperly or not at all will
eventually put you, maybe your best buddy, maybe
During normal operations, personnel can easily
your whole crew, in a Navy mishap report. Ensure
avoid most hazards if the hazards are labeled properly.
that required tags are installed properly and observed