Availability Work Package
Development and Alteration
For an availability to be a success, the work to
be done must be clearly defined in sufficient time to
order material and to issue the necessary job orders
or contract specifications. The definition of work re-
quired is obtained from the ships database, as re-
flected in the current ships maintenance project
(CSMP), and from the results of the POT&Is.
The work package is developed through a se-
quence of events that starts with the ships CSMP and
results in an authorized work package control docu-
ment and the ship alteration and repair package
(SARP). The development process of the SARP is
shown in table 2-4.
For the best use of the time and funds available
for an overhaul, planning for the repairs to be made
during the overhaul must be done in advance of the
ships arrival at the repair activity. Advanced planning
is required of both the ship and the repair activity.
In preparing the combat systems work list for
submission to the CSO/weapons officer, the leading
FC must give all the information necessary to assist
the shipyard in locating and rectifying the troubles.
Most of this information is obtained from the CSMP.
The work list indicates all work that should be
completed during the overhaul, the priority for each
item, and the name of the ships quality assurance
(QA) inspectors. The work list is combined with the
work lists submitted by the other divisions. Before
the ship enters the repair yard, a complete ships work
list should be submitted.
During an overhaul, the combat systems/weapons
department personnel continue to have responsibility
for their equipments, including repairs. This includes
inspecting the work both during and on completion
of the repairs.
Your responsibilities also include signing off jobs
that are completed. To do this properly as a member
of the ships QA team, you must understand and apply
the requirements of the Quality Assurance Manual,
Remember, once you have signed off the work
as being completed, you have bought the equipment,
whether it works or not.
Completing an overhaul requires submitting a
report on the completion status of all authorized re-
pairs, canceling or rescheduling of uncompleted work,
and preparing the ship for its initial voyage after the
Except in unusual circumstances, job orders for
uncompleted repair work are closed or canceled when
the ship leaves the repair activity. Job orders for au-
thorized alterations, however, are held open until the
work is either completed later or canceled by the
appropriate systems command.
If the ship leaves the repair facility with unfinished
work to be completed by another activity, all
outstanding job orders are transferred to the other
activity, together with all pertinent information and
whatever material was assembled for the work. If
work is later desired on job orders that have been
closed or canceled, new requests must be made.
When readying a ship for sea including its initial
voyage after an overhaul, the electronics personnel
must see that allowances of equipment, tools, and
repair parts are on board and are properly stowed.
The reason is obvious, as negligence can make
the ship a liability during action.