Table 2-1.-Ship Manning Document Description
Officer Billet Summary
Consolidates the officer requirements into a single section.
Manpower Summary
Shows the number of officer, enlisted, and civilian manpower requirements
at the department level.
Manpower Requirements
Displays the ships manpower requirements by organizational component.
Battle Bill
Shows the watch-station requirements for each condition of readiness pre-
scribed in the ROC and POE statements.
Functional Workload
Provides a summary of all workloads, by category, that contributed to the
billet requirements in each organizational component.
Summary of
Provides a summary of officer billets by designator and paygrade along with
Part 01
Officer Manpower
totals for both. (This summary is shipwide and is not related to organizational
Is similar to Part 01, but more detailed. Includes a summary for each rating
Summary of
group (i.e., DS, ET, FC, OS, RM) in alphabetical order, showing primary
Part 02
Enlisted Manpower
and secondary NECs and paygrades. The end of the section gives a summary
for the entire activity, summarized by paygrade only. (This summary is
shipwide and is not related to the organizational structure.)
Summary of
Summarizes the paygrades by each organizational component and shows
Enlisted Manpower
the totals for each division/department. There is a single-line entry for each
Part 02A
Requirements by
skill level (rating, paygrade, primary NEC, and secondary NEC) at the
division level. Each department starts at the top of a new page.
Summary of Organizational
Summarizes and displays the billet information contained in the previous
Manpower Requirements
Part I
Shows the officer, chief petty officer (E-7, E-8, E-9), and other enlisted billets
in the document.
Shows the apportionment of enlisted skills by paygrade, including petty
Part II
officers (E-4 and above), designated strikers (i.e., DSSN, ETSN, FCSN),
and nonrated personnel (i.e., SN, FN).
Shows the paygrade summary of all enlisted billet requirements on a shipwide
Part III
basis. (This summary is identical to that shown at the end of Section VI [Part
What does all this mean to you? You, as a super-
pertain to your division are current and correct. It is
visor, play a very important part in the process. You
especially important to ensure that the NECs required
must continually work with your personnel specialist
to support new installations are requested and that old
to ensure that billet and personnel requirements for
NECs no longer required are deleted.
your division are accurately reflected in the SMDs.
By keeping your divisions manning requirements cur-
rent, you help to keep your ships manning require-
When you work with the MPA, refer to the Man-
ments current.
Check the MPA
listed classifications
ual of Navy Total Force Manpower Policies and Pro-
cedures, OPNAVINST 1000.16. It contains the infor-
to ensure that all the Navy en-
mation and procedures necessary to initiate a ships
(NECs) listed in the MPA that
force change request (SFCR).