answers to questions such as those mentioned will
significantly enhance a commands ability to carry out
its mission.
An exact list of duties and responsibilities can be
made only when the list concerns a specific position.
However, the following duties and responsibilities are
typical of a combat systems/weapons supervisor:
Keeping maintenance
smoothly and efficiently.
Promoting teamwork.
Maintaining discipline.
Maintaining high morale
operations running
Getting the right person on the job at the right
Maintaining the quality and quantity of work.
Checking and inspecting jobs and personnel.
Preventing accidents and controlling hazards
and hazardous material.
Using and storing materials economically.
Maintaining good housekeeping on the job.
Keeping records and preparing reports.
Planning and scheduling work.
Training personnel.
Procuring supplies and equipment to perform
the work.
Inspecting, caring for, and preserving equip-
Giving orders and directions.
Maintaining liaison with other units, depart-
ments, and divisions.
In addition to the aforementioned typical duties and
responsibilities, the following seven major areas are
common to all supervisory positions:
1. Production: The supervisor is responsible for
ensuring that all work is done properly and on time.
This is true both in the office and in the work center.
To meet these goals, the supervisor must function in
three main ways:
Organize and plan the workload to ensure
maximum production with minimum effort
and confusion.
Delegate the authority for completing work
assignments, keeping in mind that the final
product is the responsibility of the super-
Control the workload and see that all work
is completed correctly.
2. Safety, health, and physical welfare of subordi-
nates: Safety and production go hand in hand. The safe
way is the efficient way. When work center personnel
are absent because of injury, they are nonproducers.
A good supervisor stresses safety to the crew; sets an
example by working safely; teaches safety as an integral
part of each job; and, most of all, plans each job with
safety in mind. A good supervisor does not wait until
after an accident happens to start a safety program.
Showing concern over the health and physical welfare
of your crew will pay off in increased production. It
will add to their feelings of trust and confidence in you
as a division supervisor and will increase the amount
of respect they have for you.
3. Development of cooperation: Developing co-
operation among the members of your division is
paramount to effective production. Some supervisors,
however, tend to overlook the need for cooperation in
two other directions: