Chapter 1- Fundamentals and Operations of ComputersTOPIC 1COMPUTER FUNCTIONS AND TYPESTYPES OF COMPUTERSLarge rugged frame or cabinetMinicomputers - 14100_15Microcomputers - 14100_16TOPIC 2FUNCTIONAL OPERATION OF COMPUTERSTactical Support SystemsSNAP SYSTEMSHardwareComputer switching and control panel used on a CDS/NTDS systemONLINE AND OFFLINE MODES OF OPERATIONBATTLE SHORT MODE OF OPERATIONOPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS OF COMPUTER SYSTEMSShipboard EMI Control. Shipboard EMISUMMARYFUNDAMENTALS AND OPERATIONS OF COMPUTERSController Intercommunications-Cont.Chapter 2 Computer Configurations and HardwareOverall Functional Block DiagramsExample of an individual functional block diagram of a CPUPHYSICAL LAYOUTS OF COMPUTERSExample of a chassis used in a minicomputerBACKPLANE OR MOTHERBOARDTOPIC 2COMPUTER HARDWAREModular-Designed Computer Frames/CabinetsExamp1e of a modular-designed frame computer.Example of a chassis- or assembly-designed computerMotherboard- or Backplane-Designed Computer Framed/CabinetsGasketsSubassemblies Used in ComputersKeyed Printed Circuit BoardsComputer Connectors and CablesSingle-piece PCB or Card-edge ConnectorsCircular or Cylindrical (Shell) multiple-pin connectorsCoaxial ConnectorsInternal Connector ReceptaclesInternal Conductors (wires)External ConnectorsExamples of connector receptacle physical shapesCable ArchitectureFLAT CABLESCOAXIAL CABLESCOMPUTER COOLING SYSTEMS - 14100_54COMPUTER COOLING SYSTEMS - 14100_55Chapter 3- Computer Operator Controls and Controlling UnitsPROTECTIVE DEVICESPushbutton SwitchesTOPIC 2TYPES OF COMPUTER CONTROLLING UNITS AND THEIR CONTROLSExample of a typical controlling unitPart of a Table Detailing Controls and Indicators of a Typical Controlling UnitPOWER/TEMPERATURE PANELSCONTROL AND MAINTENANCE PANELSDISPLAY CONTROL UNITSMAINTENANCE CONSOLESKEYBOARDSTELETYPESREMOTE CONSOLES AND REMOTE OPERATOR CONTROL UNITSSUMMARYCOMPUTER OPERATOR CONTROLS AND CONTROLLING UNITSExample of a remote consoleChapter 4 Computer Components and CircuitsTOPIC 1COMPUTER NUMBER SYSTEMSIllustration equivalencies between binary, octal, hexadecimal, and decimal numbersTOPIC 2COMPUTER LOGICIC PACKAGINGExample schematics of bipolar ICsTOPIC 4DIGITAL ICSDIGITAL IC CONVENTIONDIGITAL IC GROUPSFlip-FlopsFUNCTIONAL USES OF DIGITAL ICSDATA ROUTING CIRCUITSComparatorTranslatorsMemory-Type FunctionsREGISTERSSingle-line parallel transfer (direct method)LINEAR IC FAMILY TYPESLINEAR IC GATESFUNCTIONAL USES OF LINEAR ICSPERIPHERAL AND DISPLAY DRIVERSTOPIC 6TIMING CIRCUITSMULTIPLE-PHASE CLOCK SYSTEMSTOPIC 7COMPUTER DATA TYPES AND FORMATSTOPIC 8POWER SUPPLIESCOMPUTER POWER SUPPLY COMPONENTSCOMPUTER POWER SUPPLY PROTECTIONMicrocomputers - 14100_100Protection DevicesSUMMARYCOMPUTER COMPONENTS AND CIRCUITSPOWER SUPPLIESChapter 5- Central Processing Units and BusesTOPIC 1CONTROL SECTIONTIMINGMaster ClockMonitor ClockINSTRUCTION AND CONTROLSTATUS INDICATING REGISTERSInstruction and Control OperationsUPDATE THE PROGRAM COUNTERINSTRUCTION OPERAND ADDRESSINGMICROCOMPUTER INTERRUPT TYPESMINI AND MAINFRAME INTERRUPT TYPESINTERRUPTS AND INTERRUPT CODESTerminate Current Program ExecutionCONTROL MEMORYCACHE MAPPING TECHNIQUESREAD-ONLY MEMORY (ROM) - 14100_121DIAGNOSTIC TESTINGOPERANDS/REGISTERSALU OPERATIONSFLOATING-POINT FORMATFLOATING-POINT INTERRUPTSOperation TypesBUS TYPESREQUESTOR EXTENSION INTERFACE (REI)BUS OPERATIONSProcessor BusSUMMARYCENTRAL PROCESSING UNITS AND BUSESREAD-ONLY MEMORYChapter 6-Computer MemoriesMEMORY ORGANIZATIONMemory PcbsMEMORY OPERATIONSTiming CircuitsMemory CycleINTERLEAVEMemory ProtectionTOPIC 2READ/WRITE MEMORIESCORE STORAGE LAYOUTMemory PlaneCore Address SelectionWRITE (RESTORE) CYCLE - 14100_147PACKETSSense/Digit LineFILM STORAGE LAYOUTMated Film Address SelectionMated Film Storage Read/Write CycleWRITE (RESTORE) CYCLE - 14100_153SEMICONDUCTOR MEMORYOne-bit storage unitsStatic RAM (SRAM)Static RAM Organization and OperationDynamic RAM (DRAM)DRAM storage cellTOPIC 3READ-ONLY MEMORY (ROM)ROM (NDRO) ModulesREAD-ONLY MEMORY (ROM) OPERATIONSHardwired magnetic ROMREAD-ONLY MEMORY TYPESFILM MEMORYREAD-ONLY MEMORY (ROM) - 14100_166Chapter 7- Input/Output (I/O) and InterfacingTOPIC 2INPUT/OUTPUT (I/O) ORGANIZATIONINPUT/OUTPUT PROCESSORExample of a repertoire of IOC commandsIOA, top view with I/O connectorsI/O connectors, rear of computer cabinetI/O Pcb(s)INPUT/OUTPUT DATA ARRANGEMENTFormatCommand InstructionsTOPIC 3INPUT/OUTPUT OPERATIONSINPUT/OUTPUT FUNCTIONSControl CircuitsCATEGORIES OF I/O OPERATIONSINTERRUPT DRIVEN I/ODirect Memory Access (DMA)METHODS OF CONNECTIONSIndependent Request ControlUniversal Receiver-TransmittersREAD/WRITE CONTROLI/O INTERFACE FORMATSNTDS Input/Output (MIL-STD-1397)TYPE E (NATO SERIAL)RS-232 (EIA RS-232 and MIL-STD 188)IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet DIX)Daisy chain in an EthernetEnhanced Small Device Interface (ESDI)I/O SERIAL DATA OPERATIONSDCE/DTE Serial I/O Cable SignalsRS-232 Pin DescriptionI/O PARALLEL DATA OPERATIONSSingle Cable Sequence of EventsTwo Cable Sequence of EventsOUTPUT DATA (OD) SEQUENCE OF EVENTSIntercomputer I/O Operations - 14100_201SUMMARYINPUT/OUTPUT (I/O) AND INTERFACINGUNIVERSAL RECEIVER-TRANSMITTERINTERCOMPUTER I/O OPERATIONS - 14100_204Chapter 8 Computer Instructions And Man/Machine InterfacesTOPIC 1COMPUTER INSTRUCTIONSLEVELS OF INSTRUCTIONSInstructions classified by FunctionINSTRUCTION LANGUAGE INTERPRETATIONExamples of instruction interpretations for two mainframe computersINSTRUCTION FORMATSMainframe Computer Instruction FormatsIllustrations of instruction word formats I, II, and IIIINSTRUCTION OPERAND ADDRESSINGExtended Operand AddressingINSTRUCTION SIZETOPIC 2MAN/MACHINE INTERFACESDisplay panels and data entry keyboards on a display control unit (DCU).MAN/MACHINE OPERATING MODESMAN/MACHINE INTERFACE FUNCTIONSAPPLY POWEREXECUTE INTERNAL DIAGNOSTICS - 14100_222EXECUTE BOOTSTRAPMinicomputers - 14100_224USE CONTROLS, DATA ENTRY, AND DATA DISPLAYEXECUTE DIAGNOSTICSMainframesEXECUTE INTERNAL DIAGNOSTICS - 14100_228INITIATE OPERATIONAL PROGRAMSSUMMARYCOMPUTER INSTRUCTIONS AND MAN/MACHINE INTERFACESChapter 9 Magnetic Tape StoragePHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MAGNETIC TAPETape Storage and HandlingTape ControlIDENTIFYING AND CORRECTING PROBLEMS WITH MAGNETIC TAPESPack slipRecording MethodsData Organization and TimingData Records on TapeA magnetic tape unitTOPIC 2MAGNETIC TAPE DEVICESMAGNETIC TAPE CONTROLLERMTU Offline OperationsMTU SYSTEM CONTROL PANELMAGNETIC TAPE TRANSPORT (MTT)A magnetic tape transport, detailed viewAvacuum column/servo hubAIR-CONTROL SOLENOIDSTOPIC 3MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTSDIAGNOSTIC PROGRAMSMAGNETIC TAPE TRANSPORTSChapter 10 Magnetic Disk StorageTOPIC 1FUNDAMENTALS OF MAGNETIC DISKS AND DISKS DRIVESORGANIZING DATA ON DISKSCylinder AddressingDisk pack access arm seeking cylinder 20TOPIC 2FLOPPY DISKS AND DISK DRIVESTHE 5.25-INCH FLOPPY DISK CONSTRUCTIONFLOPPY DISK DRIVE OPERATIONHead ActuatorDENSITY AND COERCIVITYUSING LOW-DENSITY DISKS IN HIGH-DENSITY DRIVESFLOPPY DISK CARE AND HANDLINGTOPIC 3DISK MEMORY SETSMAGNETIC DISK PACKSDISK FILE UNIT CONTROLS AND INDICATORSDisk Status PanelA controller block diagramMicroprocessorData Bus Control Unit (DBCU)Spindle AssemblyDISK MEMORY SET OPERATIONSDisk Formatting OperationsTOPIC 4FIXED HARD DISK SYSTEMSDisk PlattersHead Actuator SystemsFIXED DISK INTERLEAVE FACTORFIXED DISK INTERFACESFORMATTING FIXED DISKSRECOVERING DATA FROM FIXED DISK DRIVESRecovering Data After a Hardware FailureSUMMARYMAGNETIC DISK STORAGEFIXED HARD DISK DRIVE CONSTRUCTIONFIXED DISK CONTROLLERSChapter 11- CD-ROM StoragePHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF A COMPACT DISCConstant Linear VelocityTOPIC 2CD-ROM DRIVESTracking and FocusingTOPIC 3CD-ROM APPLICATIONSSUMMARYCD-ROM STORAGEChapter 12- PrintersTOPIC 1FUNDAMENTALS OF PRINTINGCONTROL CODESLINE CHARACTERISTICSTOPIC 2BASIC PRINTER CHARACTERISTICSPAPER-FEED ASSEMBLIESTOPIC 3IMPACT PRINTERSChain and Band PrintersCHARACTER PRINTERSDaisy Wheel PrintersLASER PRINTERSA laser imaging systemLaser Printer Page LanguagesSUMMARYPRINTERSCHARACTER PRINTERSChapter 13-Data Conversion DEvices and SwitchboardsANALOG AND DIGITAL QUANTITY COMPARISONSTHE ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERBINARY ANGULAR MEASUREMENTSynchro SystemsSYNCHRO SIGNALSSECTOR CONVERSION.DIGITAL-TO-LINEAR/SCALAR CONVERSIONDAC front panelANALOG SECTIONMounting baseBase Controls and IndicatorsDIGITAL-TO-DIGITAL (D/D) CONVERSIONMULTIPLEXING DATA CONVERTERSKEYSET CENTRAL MULTIPLEXER (KCMX)REQUEST CONTROLDemand Digital (DD) InputsDigital Input Channels and Digital Output ChannelsControl SignalsControls and Indicators (KCMX)Computer Input Data Register Panel (A1)KCMX MODE CONTROLS/INDICATORS.Digital Input Channel (DIC) Logic Panel (A3)Manual switchboardDIGITAL SWITCHBOARDSDIGITAL FIRE CONTROL SWITCHBOARD (DFCS)Equipment interconnection through the CDS DFCSDFCS interiorPower distribution panel assembly.Switch Control and Potential Transformer ACO AssemblyMagnetic tape interconnection through the DFCS.Relay Tester AssemblyComputer Switching and Control Panel (CSCP)SHIP, SWITCHBOARD, AND COMPUTER SWITCHING CONTROL PANEL (CSCP) WIRINGANALOG SWITCHBOARDSIndicator Panel AssemblyMeter Panel AssemblyManually Operated JR Switch Panel AssemblyEND-AROUND-TEST (EAT)ANALOG AND DIGITAL QUANTITIESKCMX INPUT AND OUTPUTAppendix I- Glossary of Terms and AcronymsAppendix I- Glossary of Terms and Acronyms-Cont. - 14100_354Appendix I- Glossary of Terms and Acronyms-Cont. - 14100_355Appendix I- Glossary of Terms and Acronyms-Cont. - 14100_356Appendix I- Glossary of Terms and Acronyms-Cont. - 14100_357Appendix I- Glossary of Terms and Acronyms-Cont. - 14100_358Appendix I- Glossary of Terms and Acronyms-Cont. - 14100_359Appendix I- Glossary of Terms and Acronyms-Cont. - 14100_360Appendix I- Glossary of Terms and Acronyms-Cont. - 14100_361Appendix II - References Used to Develop the TramanAppendix II - References Used to Develop the Traman-Cont. - 14100_364Appendix II - References Used to Develop the Traman-Cont. - 14100_365Appendix II - References Used to Develop the Traman-Cont. - 14100_366Appendix II - References Used to Develop the Traman-Cont. - 14100_367Appendix II - References Used to Develop the Traman-Cont. - 14100_368Appendix II - References Used to Develop the Traman-Cont. - 14100_369Appendix II - References Used to Develop the Traman-Cont. - 14100_370Appendix II - References Used to Develop the Traman-Cont. - 14100_371Appendix II - References Used to Develop the Traman-Cont. - 14100_372Appendix II - References Used to Develop the Traman-Cont. - 14100_373Appendix II - References Used to Develop the Traman-Cont. - 14100_374Appendix II - References Used to Develop the Traman-Cont. - 14100_375Appendix II - References Used to Develop the Traman-Cont. - 14100_376Appendix II - References Used to Develop the Traman-Cont. - 14100_377Appendix II - References Used to Develop the Traman-Cont. - 14100_378Appendix II - References Used to Develop the Traman-Cont. - 14100_379Index - 14100_381Index-Cont. - 14100_382Index-Cont. - 14100_383Index-Cont. - 14100_384Index-Cont. - 14100_385Index-Cont. - 14100_386Index-Cont. - 14100_387Index-Cont. - 14100_388Index-Cont. - 14100_389Index-Cont. - 14100_390Index-Cont. - 14100_391Index-Cont. - 14100_392Index-Cont. - 14100_393Index-Cont. - 14100_394Assignment Questions - 14100_395Assignment 1 - 14100_397Assignment 1-Cont. - 14100_398Assignment 1-Cont. - 14100_399Assignment 1-Cont. - 14100_400Assignment 1-Cont. - 14100_401Assignment 1-Cont. - 14100_402Assignment 1-Cont. - 14100_403Assignment 2 - 14100_404Assignment 2-Cont. - 14100_405Assignment 2-Cont. - 14100_406Assignment 2-Cont. - 14100_407Assignment 2-Cont. - 14100_408Assignment 2-Cont. - 14100_409Assignment 2-Cont. - 14100_410Assignment 3 - 14100_411Assignment 3-Cont. - 14100_412Assignment 3-Cont. - 14100_413Assignment 3-Cont. - 14100_414Assignment 3-Cont. - 14100_415Assignment 3-Cont. - 14100_416Assignment 3-Cont. - 14100_417Assignment 4 - 14100_418Assignment 4-Cont. - 14100_419Assignment 4-Cont. - 14100_420Assignment 4-Cont. - 14100_421Assignment 4-Cont. - 14100_422Assignment 4-Cont. - 14100_423Assignment 5 - 14100_424Assignment 5-Cont. - 14100_425Assignment 5-Cont. - 14100_426Assignment 5-Cont. - 14100_427Assignment 5-Cont. - 14100_428Assignment 5-Cont. - 14100_429Assignment 5-Cont. - 14100_430Assignment 6 - 14100_431Assignment 6-Cont. - 14100_432Assignment 6-Cont. - 14100_433Assignment 6-Cont. - 14100_434Assignment 6-Cont. - 14100_435Assignment 6-Cont. - 14100_436Assignment 6-Cont. - 14100_437Assignment 6-Cont. - 14100_438Assignment 7Assignment 7-Cont. - 14100_440Assignment 7-Cont. - 14100_441Assignment 7-Cont. - 14100_442Assignment 7-Cont. - 14100_443Assignment 7-Cont. - 14100_444Assignment 7-Cont. - 14100_445Assignment 7-Cont. - 14100_446Assignment 8Assignment 8-Cont. - 14100_448Assignment 8-Cont. - 14100_449Assignment 8-Cont. - 14100_450Assignment 8-Cont. - 14100_451Assignment 8-Cont. - 14100_452Assignment 8-Cont. - 14100_453Assignment 8-Cont. - 14100_454Assignment 9Assignment 9-Cont. - 14100_456Assignment 9-Cont. - 14100_457Assignment 9-Cont. - 14100_458Assignment 9-Cont. - 14100_459Assignment 9-Cont. - 14100_460Assignment 9-Cont. - 14100_461Assignment 9-Cont. - 14100_462Assignment 10Assignment 10-Cont. - 14100_464Assignment 10-Cont. - 14100_465Assignment 10-Cont. - 14100_466Assignment 10-Cont. - 14100_467Assignment 10-Cont. - 14100_468Assignment 10-Cont. - 14100_469Assignment 11Assignment 11-Cont. - 14100_471Assignment 11-Cont. - 14100_472Assignment 11-Cont. - 14100_473Assignment 11-Cont. - 14100_474Assignment 11-Cont. - 14100_475Assignment 11-Cont. - 14100_476Assignment 11-Cont. - 14100_477Assignment 12Assignment 12-Cont. - 14100_479Assignment 12-Cont. - 14100_480Assignment 12-Cont. - 14100_481Assignment 12-Cont. - 14100_482Assignment 12-Cont. - 14100_483Assignment 12-Cont. - 14100_484Assignment 12-Cont. - 14100_485Assignment 13Assignment 13-Cont. - 14100_487Assignment 13-Cont. - 14100_488Assignment 13-Cont. - 14100_489Assignment 13-Cont. - 14100_490Assignment 13-Cont. - 14100_491Assignment 13-Cont. - 14100_492Assignment 13-Cont. - 14100_493Assignment 14Assignment 14-Cont. - 14100_495Assignment 14-Cont. - 14100_496Assignment 14-Cont. - 14100_497Assignment 14-Cont. - 14100_498Assignment 14-Cont. - 14100_499Assignment 14-Cont. - 14100_500