10-10. A tape cleaner performs which of the following
10-15. What area of a magnetic tape tends to show the
greatest amount of wear?
1. It shaves the oxide of the tape only
1. The area just after BOT
2. It wipes down both sides of the tape with a
2. The area just before EOT
cleaning solution only
3. The interrecord gap area
3. It first shaves the oxide side of the tape, then
4. The file mark
it wipes down both sides of the tape with a
cleaning solution
10-16. To correct a tapes worn or damaged areas, which
4. It alters the flux patterns on the tape
of the following actions should you take?
10-11. Which of the following maintenance actions
1. Degaussing
reduces the static buildup on open reel magnetic
2. Cleaning
3. Stripping
4. Splicing
1. Degaussing
2. Cleaning
10-17. After stripping a magnetic tape, what is the
3. Certifying
minimum length of tape you should leave on the
4. Stripping
10-12. A tape certifier performs all of the following
tasks except which one?
1. Cleans the tape
2. Erases the tape
3. Checks the tapes ability to record high
density data, to retain magnetic flux patterns,
and to be demagnetized
4. Restores the original data to the tape
10-13. For a tape that cannot be certified, what action, if
any, should you take?
1. Destroy it
2. Keep it for use as a scratch tape only
3. Put it into general use because the standards
of a tape certifier are higher than they need
to be
4. None; no action is required
10-14. To nullify all the magnetic flux patterns is the
sole purpose of which of the following
1. 500 feet
2. 400 feet
3. 300 feet
4. 200 feet
10-18. You should NOT splice a tape for which of the
following reasons?
1. Tape splices are generally the weakest point
on the tape
2. Read and write operations may not perform
properly in the area of the splice
3. Splicing a broken tape usually will not save
the data
4. All of the above
10-19. All tape media used in a system must be
accounted for in which of the following ways?
1. Listed
2. Labeled only
3. Numbered only
4. Labeled and numbered
1. A cleaner
10-20. An operational program tape being delivered to a
2. A stripper
system is considered which of the following types
3. A degausser
of tape?
4. A certifier
1. New
2. Used
3. Master
4. Scratch