2-63. From a computer control panel, you can perform
which of the following types of monitoring?
1. Operational program status only
2. Display registers only
3. Switch settings only
4. Switch settings, display registers, and
computer operations
2-64. What controlling unit enables you to operate the
computer set under expanded and varied
conditions, at various operating speeds, and in
various operating modes?
1. Operator panel
2. Maintenance console
3. Power/temperature panel
4. Computer control unit
2-65. When you manually interface with the CPU and
IOC for software enhancement, what is the name
of the function you are performing?
1. Diagnostic programming
2. Operator programming
3. Inspect and change
4. Casualty control
2-66. A keyboard will be your primary device for
controlling what type of computer, if any?
1. Mainframe
2. Minicomputer
3. Microcomputer
4. None; keyboards are not used to control
2-67. On a microcomputer, what is the primary method
used to provide information to you?
Light-emitting diodes
Indicator lights on the keyboard
2-68. The meanings of function keys and control keys
can be assigned in which of the following ways?
1. By the computer hardware manufacturer only
2. By the computer program only
3. By the operating system only
4. By both the computer program and the
operating system
2-69. In addition to the keyboard, what other device may
you use as a controlling device with the monitor to
control the operations of a microcomputer?
1. Mouse
2. Key switch
3. Rotary switch
4. Toggle switch
Of the following devices, which one can provide
both input to a computer and output from a
1. Mouse
2. Printer
3. Teletype
4. Keyboard
A teletype is composed of which of the following
1. Printer only
2. Keyboard only
3. Printer and keyboard only
4. Printer, keyboard, and monitor
From remote consoles and remote operator control
units, you may be able to perform all except which
of the following functions?
Power the computer set up/down
Initiate computer operations
Monitor computer status
Perform self-testing