8-64. During intercomputer I/O operations, command
word functions are identified by use of which of
the following techniques?
1. Flag words
2. Setting ODA lines
3. Additional interface signals
4. All of the above
8-65. During intercomputer I/O operations, for a
buffered command word transfer to be possible,
(a) the transmitting computer must have what line
and (b) the receiving computer must have what
1. (a) EFR (b) EIE
2. (a) EFR (b) EFR
3. (a) EIE (b) EIE
4. (a) EIE (b) ERF
8-66. For an intercomputer command word buffered
transfer, the receiving computer is ready to accept
an external function command word. This is
signaled by which of the following means?
1. The external function request line is set
2. The external interrupt enable line is set
3. The external function acknowledge is set
4. The input data request line is set
8-67. During an intercomputer command word buffered
transfer, before putting the EF code on the data
lines, the transmitting computer recognizes which
of the following signals?
1. An EFR
2. An EFA
3. An ODA
4. All of the above
8-68. In intercomputer command word transfers when
the transmitting computer does not have an EFR
line, the command word will be transferred in
what way, if any?
1. As a data word
2. As a buffered command word
3. As a forced command word
4. None, data cannot be transferred without an
EFR line
8-69. In intercomputer I/O operations, all command
words specified by the receiving computers EF
buffer control words will be transferred one
command word at a time.
1. True
2. False
8-70. Before the intercomputer data transfer sequence
of events can begin, which of the following
events must have occurred on the same channel?
1. An OD buffer must have been established on
the transmitting computer
2. An ID buffer must have been established on
the receiving computer
3. Both 1 and 2 above
4. An IDA must have been established
8-71. In intercomputer data transfers, the data word is
held on the OD lines until the receiving computer
performs which of the following tasks?
1. Sets the IDR line
2. Clears the IDR line
3. Sets the resume line
4. Clears the resume line
8-72. In intercomputer data transfer, the receiving
computer recognizes the ready line of the
transmitting computer as what line?
1. The IDR line
2. The ODR line
3. The ODA line
4. The resume line
8-73. In intercomputer data transfer, the transmitting
computer recognizes the IDA line of the receiving
computer as what line?
1. The IDR line
2. The ODR line
3. The ODA line
4. The resume line