2-23. What is one of the most commonly used reference
planes because of the ease of using a spirit level to
determine the plane?
1. Vertical
2. Horizontal
3. Parallel
4. Perpendicular
2-24. Train angles are measured in what direction from the
reference direction on the top of the plane?
1. Clockwise
2. Counterclockwise
3. Bottom to top
4. Top to bottom
2-25. The difference or displacement between two reference
frames may be of which of the following types?
1. Linear and angular only
2. Spatial and linear only
3. Angular and spatial only
4. Linear, angular, and spatial
2-26. What are the corrections made necessary by the linear
displacement between the reference planes called?
1. Angular displacements
2. Parallax corrections
3. Typical references
4. Static angular corrections
2-27. Corrections arising from reference directions or
reference planes not being parallel are called
1. parallax corrections
2. rotational corrections
3. static parallax corrections
4. dynamic parallax confections
2-28. When the angle between the reference planes is
relatively small, where is the major difference?
1. In the horizontal plane
2. In the vertical plane
3. In the elevation angles
4. In the bearing angles
2-29. All of the following equipment is commonly used for
battery alignment except which one?
1. Alignment sights
2. Frequency counters
3. Benchmarks
4. Dials
2-30. A theodolite is very similar to what other equipment
used during alignment?
1. Alignment sights
2. Clinometers
3. Transits
4. Levels
2-31. Clinometers are used for measuring inclinations in
what plane?
1. Vertical
2. Reference
3. Horizontal
4. Spatial
2-32. How many types of levels are used in systems align-
1. One
2. Two
3. Three
4. Four
2-33. The pointing line in alignment sights maybe of which
of the following types?
1. The centerline of a torpedo tube only
2. The propagation axis of a radar beam only
3. The bore axis of a gun only
4. The centerline of a torpedo tube, the propagation
axis of a radar beam, and/or the bore axis of a
2-34. What is brought into exact alignment with the gun-
bore axis when the boresight telescope is inserted into
the gun bore?
1. AOS
2. LOS
3. MTI
4. RPP