A communications network, such as the Link-11 system, can be very complex
when the goal is to maintain high-quality communications with all units in the net.
Distance, atmospheric anomalies, corrosion, and even the time of day can affect the
quality of Link-11 communications. The Link-11 technician has many tools to
enable him to pinpoint problems.
However, oftentimes the technician may
misunderstand such tools, forget them, or not have the knowledge to use them
Problems occurring with Link-11 communications are best approached by means
of the team concept. A typical link team is usually composed of a team leader, an
ET, a FC, an OS, and an RM. The team leader is usually a senior ET and could be
the electronics material officer (EMO) or combat systems maintenance officer.
After completing this chapter, you should be able to:
Describe the procedures required for running the single station
Programmed Operational and Functional Analysis (POFA) on the DTS.
State the circuits verified by the successful completion of single station
Describe the procedures for running multi-station Link-11 POFA.
Describe the components of the LMS-11.
Describe the information presented in each of the LMS-11 display
Recognize common Link-11 problems as displayed on the LMS-11.
When a Link-11 problem occurs, usually the link troubleshooting team is called
to the combat direction center. Here they can meet with the operator, talk to other
ships in the link, and analyze the displays on the LMS-11. Through these initial
steps, the team can determine several things, such as whether the problem is local or
if the entire net is experiencing problems.
Because of the complexity of link
equipment, a variety of methods was used over the years to solve link problems. If
a particular action worked once, it was often assumed that it would work in all
Over the years, this led to a type of folklore or mythology on how
technicians were to troubleshoot the link. Senior link techs would pass these myths