Figure 5-10.The C2P system block diagram for ACDS Block 0 platforms.
configurations. On AEGIS ships, AEGIS Model 4 is
similar to ACDS Block 0, and AEGIS Model 5 is
similar to ACDS Block 1. The C2P system installed
on an ACDS Block O platform is very similar to the
system that is installed on an AEGIS Model 4
platform. Figure 5-10 illustrates the system block
diagram of the C2P for ACDS Block 0 platforms.
Link messages generated in the ACDS computer
are sent to the C2P computer where they are formatted
for transmission on the proper link (Link-4A,
Link-11, or Link-16). Depending on the mode of
operation and operator entered parameters, some
messages may be sent over two or more data links.
For example, it is not uncommon for Link-11
messages to be transmitted over Link-11 and Link-16.
The C2P computer stores the data in a central data
base, called the normalized data base, and then
formats the data in the proper message format for the
link system(s) being used.
Messages received by the various data links are
processed for errors by the C2P computer and sent to
the proper destination. Received messages can also
be reformatted for retransmission on a different link.
A Link-11 or Link-4A message received by a C2P
platform can be reformatted into a Link-16 message
and retransmitted on Link-16.
The hardware block diagram of the equipment
used in the C2P system is shown in figure 5-11. The
AN/UYK-43(V) is a general-purpose, large scale,
tactical computer used to store and execute the C2P
software. The C2P configuration of the AN/UYK-43
consists of the following major modules:
Two central processor units
Two input/output controllers and adapters
Six expanded time volatile memory units