3-10. In reference to the water drum, whichof the following statements isaccurate?1. The water drum is the same size asthe header2. The water drum is larger than thesteam drum3. The water drum is smaller than theheader4. The water drum is larger than theheader3-11. Downcomers range in diameter from 3inches to1. 9 inches2. 8 inches3. 6 inches4. 4 inches3-12. Generating tubes are made of what typeof metal?1. Steel2. Copper3. Brass4. Tin3-13. The surface blow pipe is used forwhich of the following purposes?1. To remove suspended solid matterthat floats on top of the water2. To lower the steam drum water level3. To blow water out to lower thechemical level in the boiler whenit becomes too high4. All of the above3-14. How many people are required duringboiler light off?1. One2. Two3. Three4. Four3-l5. In reference to boiler designpressure, which of the followingstatements is accurate?1. Design pressure is the same asoperating pressure2. Design pressure is lower thanoperating pressure3. Design pressure iS not given inthe manufacturer’s technicalmanual for a particular boiler4. Design pressure is the maximumpressure specified by the boilermanufacturer as a criterion forboiler design3-16. Why are single-furnace boilers oftenreferred to as D-type boilers?1. They are manufactured by the DeltaManufacturing Company2. The tubes form a shape that lookslike the letter D3. The steam and water always flowdown4. The D indicates a double boiler-wall thickness3-17. In naval propulsion plants, where arethe burners usually located?1. At the front of the boiler2. At the back of the boiler3. On the right side of the boiler4. On the left side of the boiler3-18. On almost all boilers used in thepropulsion plants of naval ships,what protects the superheater tubesfrom radiant heat?1. Water screen baffles2. Insulating block3. Air tubes4. Water screen tubes3-1. What is the approximate operatingpressure range for header-typeboilers?1. 300 to 425 psi2. 435 to 700 pal3. 700 to 825 pal4. 825 to 925 psi14
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