Local Oscillators
Most radar receivers use a 30- or 60-MHz inter-
mediate frequency. A highly important factor in
receiver operation is the tracking stability of the local
oscillator, which generates the frequency that beats
with the incoming signal to produce the IF. For
example, if the local oscillator frequency is 3000
MHz, a frequency shift of as much as 0.1 percent
would be a 3-MHz frequency shift. This is equal to
the bandwidth of most receivers and would cause a
considerable loss in gain. Bandwidth is the inverse of
the pulsewidth, with a wider bandwidth for narrow
In receivers that use crystal mixers, the power
required of the local oscillator is small, only 20 to 50
milliwatts in the 4000-MHz region. Because of the
very loose coupling, only about 1 milliwatt actually
reaches the crystal.
Another requirement of a local oscillator is that it
must be tunable over a range of several megahertz to
compensate for changes in both the transmitted fre-
quencies and its own frequency. It is desirable that the
local oscillator have the capability of being tuned by
varying its voltage.
Because the reflex klystron meets these re-
quirements, it is used as a local oscillator in some
radar receivers. As the local oscillator in a microwave
receiver, a reflex klystron need not supply large
amounts of power, but it should oscillate at a fre-
quency that is relatively stable and easily controlled.
The need for a wide electronic tuning range sug-
gests the use of a voltage mode of a high order.
However, if a mode of an excessively high order is
selected, the power available will be too small for
local oscillator applications, and a compromise be-
tween wide range and power is necessary. Also, the
use of a very- high-order mode is undesirable because
the noise output of a reflex klystron is essentially the
same for all voltage modes. Thus, the closer coupling
to the mixer required with high-order, low-power
modes increases the receiver noise figure. Usually, the
1-3/4- or 2-3/4-voltage mode is found suitable. Since
the modes are not symmetrical, the point of operation
is usually a little below the resonant frequency of the
cavity. This makes possible tuning above the operat-
ing frequency to a greater degree than if the precise
resonant frequency is used.
In practice, the reflex klystron is used with an
automatic frequency-control circuit. Since the repeller
voltage is effective in making small changes in fre-
quency, the AFC circuit is used to control the repeller
voltage to maintain the correct intermediate fre-
quency. It should be noted that the coarse frequency
of oscillation is determined by the dimensions of the
cavity, and there is, on most reflex klystrons, a coarse
frequency adjustment, which varies the cavity size.
Reflex klystrons are also used as drivers for RF
power amplifier klystrons. When they are used as
drivers, the frequency and the amplitude stability are
much more critical. Any variation in driver frequency
is reproduced in the power amplifier output and, thus,
on the target echo signal. This frequency-modulation
(FM) variation can result in degraded Doppler track-
ing and velocity computations. If the FM deviation is
large enough or if the driver is not operated at the
peak of a mode, then amplitude variations will occur.
This amplitude modulation (AM) may be very small
in magnitude on the driver signal, but after a gain of
30 dB or more in the power amplifier, the magnitude
can be considerable.
Both FM and AM signals are undesirable and are
classified as noise. Therefore, extra care in tuning and
maintenance of the power supplies is required to mini-
mize FM and AM noise generation.
Frequency Synthesizers
Local oscillator configurations vary considerably,
depending on the requirements of the individual radar
system (the alternate system is shown by dotted lines
in figure 2-11). MTI, pulse-Doppler, and CW-Doppler
radars require close control over the phase and the
frequency of the local oscillator to provide coherent
detection. Pulse-compression radar receivers also
require close frequency and phase control for their
form of coherent detection. A frequency synthesizer
system (instead of STALO) is becoming more com-