The Close-In Weapons Subsystem (CIWS), Mk
15 Mod 1, provides the final defense against antiship
cruise missiles (ASCMs) as part of the Navys
defense-in-depth concept. This subsystem engages
and destroys ASCMs or aircraft that penetrate a
ships primary defense envelope. It also provides
ASCM and antiair defense for ships operating in
other than defense-in-depth situations and may be
operated in either the antiair warfare (AAW) auto-
matic or manual mode.
The CIWS is essentially a stand-alone weapons
system consisting of (1) the Weapon Group, Mk 16
Mod 1; (2) the Remote Control Panel, Mk 340 Mod
1; and (3) the Local Control Panel, Mk 339 Mod 2.
The underwater weapons subsystem provides the
combat systems with an engagement capability
against subsurface threats.
The underwater weapons subsystem is composed
of (1) the Sonar Set, AN/SQS-56; (2) the tactical
towed array sonar (TACTAS); (3) the Torpedo
Tubes, Mk 32 Mod 5; and (4) the Control Panel, Mk
309 Mod 0.
The light airborne multipurpose system
(LAMPS) is a computer-integrated, ship-helicopter
subsystem that is capable of supporting both combat
and noncombat missions. The primary combat mis-
sions are ASW and antiship surveillance and targe-
ting (ASST). The secondary noncombat missions
include search and rescue, medical evacuation, verti-
cal replenishment, and utility operations.
The LAMPS consists primarily of the SH-60B
Seahawk helicopter. This helicopter is an all-
weather, airborne platform capable of carrying var-
ious detection devices, including a sonobuoy re-
ceiver-transmitter for transferring sonobuoy data to
the ship.
Shipboard LAMPS equipment consists of (1) the
Telemetric Data Receiving Set, AN/SKR-4A; and (2)
the Sonar Signal Processing Set, AN/SSQ-28.
The missile/gun weapons subsystem enables the
combat systems to deliver to a target an SM-1 missile
warhead or a 76-mm gun projectile. This subsystem
uses internally and externally generated raw data and
processed data to provide the combat systems with
weapons assignment, direction, and firing capability.
This subsystem supports the combat system AAW,
antisurface warfare (ASUW), and ASW missions.
The Harpoon missile weapons subsystem pro-
vides a self-contained, surface-to-surface missile
system capable of launching the Harpoon missile at
over-the-horizon surface targets. The Harpoon mis-
sile weapons subsystem is the ships primary surface-
to-surface weapon. This subsystem relies on the
weapons control processor (WCP) computer and
other elements of the combat systems for target
detection, threat evaluation, weapon pairing, and
target data functions.
The support subsystem is absolutely necessary to
equipment operation. It consists of the following sub-
systems and equipments:
1. Dry air and nitrogen.
2. Liquid cooling and heating.
3. Ship power and distribution.