Figure 4-2.-Typical combat systems/weapons department organization.
SERT Training
Using the CSTOM as the basic reference, the
SERT is trained as a unit in combat systems opera-
tions, preventive and corrective maintenance, mainte-
nance management, and training.
The SERT members should have knowledge in
the following areas, either by previous formal train-
ing or by a rigorous shipboard training program:
PMS philosophy.
PMS scheduled and corrective maintenance.
Planned maintenance during overhaul.
Maintenance data system.
Combat systems, subsystems, and equipment
Ship alteration, ordnance alteration, and field
change configuration levels.
Combat systems, subsystems, and equipment
maintenance and scheduling.
Ordnance pamphlets and data, and NAVSEA
Combat systems, subsystems, and equipment
Logistics support.
Members of the SERT are senior petty officers
with extensive experience in subsystems and equip-
ment maintenance. Each must be an expert on at least
one subsystem. Since the SERT is an official part of
the ships organization, the duties of its members are
primary, not collateral. Figure 4-3 shows where the
SERT fits into the ships organization.