Maintenance Index Page
Weekly Schedule
The maintenance index page (MIP) contains a
brief description of the requirements on the MRC for
each item of equipment, including the periodicity
code, the man-hours involved, the minimum required
skill level, and any related maintenance require-
The MIPs for all equipments in a department are
contained in the departmental master PMS record,
which the department head uses to schedule mainte-
nance on the PMS schedule forms. Each work center
should maintain a PMS record that contains the MIPs
that apply to that work center.
Cycle Schedule
The cycle schedule is used by the CSO to plan
periodic maintenance and other requirements. It is a
visual display of preventive maintenance require-
ments based on the ships overhaul cycle.
Quarterly Schedule
The quarterly schedule, planned from the cycle
schedule, is a visual display of the ships employment
schedule. This schedule is prepared by the CSO in
cooperation with division officers, maintenance
group supervisors, system testing officers, and SERT
members. It shows the current status of preventive
maintenance for each group. The quarterly schedule
assigns specific requirements in conjunction with the
ships operational schedule.
The weekly schedule is a visual display that is
posted in the working area of each maintenance
group. The maintenance group supervisor uses this
schedule to assign personnel to perform maintenance
on specific equipment. Assignments include system
and equipment tests and servicing procedures.
The maintenance data system (MDS) provides a
means of recording maintenance actions, processing
the recorded data to define important facts about
maintenance and equipment, and retrieving informa-
tion for analysis. Significant data identified by the
system include the reason for the malfunction, its dis-
covery, the man-hours used in correcting the prob-
lem, the exact equipment affected, any delays in
repair and their reasons, and the types of mainte-
nance personnel required.
Maintenance Actions
Maintenance personnel document certain ship-
board maintenance actions and corrective mainte-
nance on specific categories of equipment at the time
they actually perform or defer the maintenance ac-
tion. Information is recorded and put into the MDS
using the Ships Maintenance Action Form (OPNAV
Data-Processing Facilities
Maintenance Control Board
The maintenance control board contains the cycle
schedule and the current and subsequent quarterly
schedules. The board summarizes the status of cur-
rent and planned combat systems preventive main-
The MDS data-processing facilities collect, store,
and analyze maintenance information inputs into the
system. This information yields data concerning
equipment maintainability and reliability, man-hours
usage, equipment alteration status, materiel usage
and costs, and fleet materiel condition.