ships personnel proficiency in detecting, tracking,
and successfully engaging hostile threats.
The instructions that set forth specific training re-
quirements include training and evaluation proce-
dures for conducting (1) readiness and operational
evaluations, (2) composite training unit exercises, (3)
fleet exercises, and (4) battle readiness exercises.
Readiness and Operational Evaluations
Readiness and operational evaluations are a ma-
jor part of fleet exercises to provide advanced train-
ing and to examine fleet capabilities and limitations
in warfare aspects. Normally, the duration of the
exercise is 8 to 10 days, with the first 3 or 4 days de-
voted to warm-up operations. The exercise scenario
and the emphasis on particular warfare areas are ad-
justed to the number, type, and training state of the
participants. Specific accomplishment objectives in
a given readiness and operational evaluation are pub-
lished in the instruction letter for that exercise.
All readiness and operational evaluation exer-
cises have the following broad objectives:
To train the fleet in various aspects of naval
warfare and confrontation at sea, with emphasis on
improving command and control.
To provide specialized predeployment train-
ing for anticipated fleet operations.
To identify, measure, and analyze the practi-
cable extent of fleet performance, capabilities, and
limitations, and to develop appropriate recommended
corrective action.
To develop and test new tactics and doctrine.
Composite Training Unit Exercises
The composite training unit exercise has the fol-
lowing overall goals:
To enhance the readiness of participating
To provide predeployment training.
To test and evaluate new doctrine and proce-
To stimulate development of new concepts in
naval warfare.
Ships participating in composite training unit
exercises should make maximum use of underway
time to the operating area for training and drilling.
This en route period is an excellent opportunity for
the combat systems/weapons team and participating
units to perfect their skills in the tactics and pro-
cedures of the upcoming exercise.
In addition to intraship training, the units can also
train in multiship operations and evolutions in prep-
aration to accomplish the stated exercise objectives.
A composite training unit exercise has the fol-
lowing specific objectives:
To permit participants to conduct exercises in
a multithreat environment to enhance readiness.
To complete the maximum feasible type com-
mander exercises required to achieve unit training
readiness levels and special predeployment require-
To achieve unit familiarity and expertise in
fleet report requirements and procedures required by
higher authority.
To train in operations under the minimum
radiation concept, radiating electronic and communi-
cations equipment necessary to accomplish a specific
mission or task, while, at the same time, ensuring
To identify all levels of performance degrada-
tion due to ship and system incompatibilities.
To train and increase
pects of operational security.
proficiency in all as-