the qualification period. Once qualified, the ship is
expected to maintain its proficiency level throughout
the qualification period. Frequent firing exercises are
encouraged to maintain proficiency.
Type commanders (TYCOMs) require that the
basic NGFS team training course be completed when
(1) 30 percent of the NGFS team (less gun-mount
personnel) have been reassigned to other duties or
permanently transferred, or (2) more than 90 days
have passed since the last NGFS exercise was fired.
NGFS qualification maybe terminated for any of
the following reasons:
When a ship is graded unsatisfactory for
any NGFS exercise conducted for score. (This does
not include exercises conducted as rehearsals or for
proficiency training.)
When a ship fires unsatisfactorily during a
major exercise.
When a ship commits a serious safety viola-
tion at any time.
Ships are required to routinely maintain a high
state of material and gunnery readiness. As a result,
the ships must comply with following prerequisites
before conducting live firing exercises for NGFS
All required gunnery and gunfire control
planned maintenance system (PMS) must be current.
All records of alignment checks must be pro-
perly recorded in the smooth fire-control log.
Formal team training, either at an NGFS
trainer site or on board by an FTSC, must be com-
pleted within 90 days before firing qualification exer-
All ships with the design capability of acqui-
ring the radar beacon must successfully complete the
radar beacon acquisition (RBA) exercise within 30
days of firing qualification exercises.
In addition, other prerequisites may be required
by the TYCOM. If so, refer to the appropriate TY-
COM instructions.
NGFS qualification is based on the satisfactory
completion of various elements and/or exercises.
Both a numerical score and a grade of satisfactory or
unsatisfactory are awarded. A score of 62.0 (60.0
SURFPAC) or higher is required for a satisfactory
grade for each exercise or event.
The final qualification score is the average of the
last score attained in each of the required exercises or
events. The final score must be at least 62.0. SURF-
PAC allows a score of less than 60,0 on no more than
one event, excluding the counter battery event, to
Only one exercise may be fired by unqualified
ships during each range visit. This ensures efficient
range use and maintains high qualification standards.
All subsequent exercises are fired for score.
Exercises in progress maybe aborted because of
foul range, ammunition malfunction, or equipment
failure. Exercises may also be aborted to save time
when, because of penalties or other point loss, the
score will be unsatisfactory.
During a range visit, a ship achieving a satisfac-
tory grade on an exercise fired for score may not
refire that exercise to improve its score until all other
required exercises have been satisfactorily com-
TYCOMs and fleet commanders have specific
data recording and reporting requirements for their
exercises. Appropriate exercise manuals and appli-
cable instructions identify the reporting requirements