Antiair Warfare (AAW) Exercises, FXP 2, Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, DC, 1987.
Antisubmarine Warfare (ASW) Exercises, FXP 1, Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, DC,
COMNAVSURFLANT Combat Systems Officers Manual, NAVSURFLANTINST 9093.3, Naval
Surface Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet, Norfolk, VA, 1986.
Department of the Navy Directives Issuance System Consolidated Subject Index, DPSINST 5215.1,
Washington, DC, 1994.
Format and Procedures for Validation of Enlisted Distribution and Verification Report (EDVR),
NAVMILPERSCOMINST 1080.1, Naval Military Personnel Command, Washington, DC, 1989.
Guide for User Maintenance of NAVSEA Technical Manuals, NAVSEA S005-AA-GYD-030/
TMMP, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1988.
Navy Stock List of Publications and Forms, NAVSUP 2002, Navy Publications and Forms Center,
Philadelphia, PA, 1994.
PQS Management Guide, NAVEDTRA 43100-1D, Naval Education and Training Support Center,
Pacific, San Diego, CA, 1991.
Requirements for Petty Officer First Class, NAVEDTRA 12046, Naval Education and Training
Program Management Support Activity, Pensacola, FL, 1991.
Requirements for Senior and Master Chief Petty Officer, NAVEDTRA 12048, Naval Education
and Training Program Management Support Activity, Pensacola, FL, 1991.
Standard Organization and Regulations of the US. Navy, OPNAVINST 3120.32, Chief of Naval
Operations, Washington, DC, 1994.
Strike Warfare (STW), Intelligence (INT), Electronic Warfare (ELW), and Command, Control, and
Communications (CCC) Exercises, FXP 3, Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, DC, 1987.