Fleet Exercises
Battle Readiness Exercises
Fleet exercises are held in accordance with fleet
exercise publications (FXPs), which combine the
training prescribed for crews of all ship types. There
are three FXPs.
FXP 1, Antisubmarine Warfare (ASW) Exer-
cises, contains submarine and antisubmarine exer-
cises. It also contains exercises to familiarize ASW
personnel with basic doctrine, tactics, and weapons;
exercises to train air and surface units in coordinated
operation against submarines; and exercises to train
air, surface, and submarine forces to operate under
the direction of shore-based headquarters.
FXP 2, Antiair Warfare (AAW) Exercises,
contains air and antiair warfare exercises. It also con-
tains exercises to train and evaluate gunnery person-
nel in detecting, tracking, and destroying air targets;
exercises to train and evaluate missile weapon sub-
systems personnel in detecting, tracking, and de-
stroying air targets and antiship missiles; and
exercises to evaluate CIC personnel in intercept con-
trol and AAW operations.
FXP 3, Strike Warfare (STW), AntiSurface
Ship Warfare (ASQ), Intelligence (INT), Electronic
Warfare (ELW), and Command, Control, and Com-
munications (CCC) Exercises, contains ship exer-
cises. It also contains exercises for training gunnery
personnel in naval gunfire support, surface firing,
and spotting; exercises for antimine defense and sur-
face-to-surface missile training; exercises for CIC
and EW personnel training; and exercises to detect
and combat antiship missile threats.
In addition, each publication contains safety pre-
cautions and exercise evaluation procedures. The
force commander, the unit commanders, and the
commanding officers are encouraged to use these
publications to develop training programs to main-
tain maximum proficiency in the applicable mission
of each ship.
Battle Efficiency Competition, CINCLANTFLT-
INST 3590.11, outlines the requirements for training
exercises and inspections that units must establish
and maintain to ensure high battle readiness. This
directive also contains the prerequisites and require-
ments that individual ships must satisfy to earn battle
efficiency awards within the force. The evaluation of
battle readiness is administered to accomplish the
readiness objective in as flexible a manner as pos-
This evaluation is based on the following actions:
Minimizing formal reporting on the conduct
of exercises.
Providing for self-observing exercises at the
discretion of the unit commander.
Providing for operational equivalents in lieu
of conduct of required exercises.
Providing for maximum application of unit
commander judgment in supervising the program to
achieve the readiness objective.
The exercise and inspection requirements pre-
scribed are drawn from appropriate volumes of the
FXP series and fleet instructions and are modified or
extended with the appropriate performance standards
and instructions for data collecting, evaluation, and
reporting. The exercises specified are minimum re-
The proficiency exhibited by combat systems/
weapons personnel during high-level operational
training exercises is often a reflection of the degree
of competent training obtained at the subsystem