NOTE: Although the following references were current when this NRTC
was published, their continued currency cannot be assured. Therefore, you
need to be sure that you are using the latest version.
Chapter 1
Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Program Manual for Forces
Afloat, OPNAVINST 5100.19, Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, DC,
Operational Reports, NWP 1-03.1 (IC-1) (Formerly NWP 10-1-10), Department
of the Navy, Naval Doctrine Command, Norfolk, VA, 1997.
Ships Maintenance and Material Management (3-M) Manual, OPNAVINST
4790.4, Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, DC, 1994.
Tag-Out Users Manual (TUM), NAVSEA S0404-AD-URM-010/TUM, Naval
Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, 01 September, 2000.
Chapter 2
Coordinated Shipboard Use and Allowance List (COSAL) Use and Maintenance
Manual, SPCCINST 4441.170, Navy Department, Navy Ships Parts Control
Center, Mechanicsburg, PA, 1989.
Electromagnetic Radiation Hazards (Hazards to Ordnance), NAVSEA OP 3565,
Volume II, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, April 1995.
Electromagnetic Radiation Hazards (Hazards to Personnel, Fuel, and Other
Flammable Material), NAVSEA OP 3565, Volume I, Naval Sea Systems
Command, Washington, DC, 1975.
Implementation and Utilization of the Combat Systems Operational Sequencing
System (CSOSS) /Joint Instruction/COMNAVSURFLANTINST
4790.20/COMNAVSURFPACINST 4790.9, Commander, Naval Surface
Force, United States Atlantic Fleet, Norfolk, Virginia, Commander, Naval
Surface Force, United States Pacific Fleet, San Diego, California, 1994.
Naval Ships Technical Manual, Chapter 001, General - NSTM Publications and
Index and User Guide, S9086-AA-STM010/CH-001R45, Naval Sea
Systems Command, Washington, DC, 01 September, 1999.
Navy Installation and Maintenance Book (NIMB), SE000-01-IMB-010, Volume
ID N0002400003, Naval Sea Systems Command, Code SEA-91Q3,
Washington, DC, 01 May 1996. (Compact Disk)
Ships Maintenance and Material Management (3-M) Manual, OPNAVINST
4790.4, Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, DC, 1994.