Equipment Identification Code Master Index
(EIC) (NAMSO 4790.E2579), 2-13
Guide for User Maintenance of NAVSEA
Technical Manuals (NAVSEA
S0005-AA-GYD-030), 2-13
Hazardous materials identification, 4-1 to 4-3
labeling requirements, 4-2 to 4-3
Hazardous materials stowage requirements, 4-8
Hazardous Material Users Guide (HMUG), 4-2
Job information sources, 1-4 to 1-5
afloat safety advisories, 1-4
Ashore magazine, 1-5
Fathom magazine, 1-5
Ships Safety Bulletin, 1-4
Laser radiation hazards, 3-6 to 3-7
List of Effective Pages (LOEP) (Report No. PMS
5), 2-7
Logs, 1-2 to 1-4
Preventative Maintenance System (PMS)
accountability log, 1-4
smooth log, 1-5
supply log, 1-4
tag-out log, 1-3
trouble log, 1-3
work-center pass down log, 1-2
Maintenance Data System (MDS), 2-1 to 2-9
Maintenance Data System (MDS) forms, 2-2 to
Equipment Guide List (EGL) (OPNAV
4790/81), 2-7
Maintenance Index Page (MIP) (OPNAV
4790/85, 2-7
Maintenance Planning and Estimating Form
(OPNAV 4790/2P), 2-3
Maintenance Requirement Card (MRC)
(OPNAV 4790), 2-7
Planned Maintenance System Feedback Report
(OPNAV 4790/7B), 2-7
Ships Configuration Change Form (OPNAV
4790/CK), 2-5
S h i p s
C o n fi g u r a t i o n
C h a n g e
Fo r m
Continuation Page (OPNAV 4790/CK(C)),
Ships Maintenance Action Form (OPNAV
4790/2K), 2-1
Supplemental Form (4790/2L), 2-2
Tag Guide List (TGL) (OPNAV 4790/107, 2-7
Maintenance Index Page (MIP) (OPNAV
4790/85, 2-7
Maintenance Requirement Card (MRC) (OPNAV
4790), 2-7
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), 4-1
Naval Ships Technical Manual (NSTM), 2-12
Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series
(NEETS modules), 2-13
OPNAVINST 4790.4 (3-M manual), 2-1
Planned Maintenance System (PMS), 2-7
Quarterly PMS Schedule, 2-7
Weekly PMS Schedule, 2-7
Planned Maintenance System Feedback Report
(OPNAV 4790/7B), 2-7
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 4-5
Protective equipment, 3-10 to 3-14
eye protection, 3-11 to 3-12
deck-insulating material, 3-14
hearing protection, 3-13
respiratory protection, 3-14
rubber gloves, 3-10
safety shoes, 3-10
shorting probe, 3-10
Publication Applicability Listing (PAL), 2-9
Quarterly PMS Schedule, 2-7