The PAL consists of four separately bound
volumes, each having two parts. Volume 1 lists only
general and ship-applicable publications that do not
relate to equipment or systems. It does not include
any of the publications that appear in volumes 2, 3,
and 4.
Volume 1General Publications
Part 1Electronics, Hull, Maintenance &
Electrical (HM&E), and
Part 2Weapons
Volume 2Electronics
Part 1Equipment sequence
Part 2Publication sequence
Volume 3HM&E
Part 1Equipment sequence
Part 2Publication sequence
Volume 4Weapons
Part 1Equipment sequence
Part 2Publication sequence
The Naval Ships Technical Manual (NSTM) is a
set of books (called chapters) that contain general
information on a variety of topics. You can find a
complete listing of the NSTM chapters in chapter
001, General NSTM Publications Index and User
Guide, NAVSEA S9086-AA-STM-010.
The chapters listed in the following paragraphs are
related to your job as a Fire Controlman, both as a
technician and as a member of a ship or station
NSTM Chapter 079Damage Control-
P r a c t i c a l
D a m a g e
C o n t r o l ,
S9086-CN- STM-020. Provides broad guidance
for establishing a damage control organization.
It is designed to help organizations plan before
damage occurs, spend a minimal amount of time
localizing damage that does occur, and make
emergency repairs or restoration as quickly as
possible after damage occurs.
NSTM Chapter 300Electric Plan-General,
NAVSEA S9086-KC-STM-010. Provides
information and instructions on electrical
equipment, electrical safety precautions,
electrical insulation and insulation resistance,
and maintenance reconditioning of electrical
equipment. It also provides the requirements that
Fire Controlmen must meet in a shipboard safety
program, including the use and maintenance of
both organizational and personal electrical and
electronic equipment.
NSTM Chapter 400Electronics, NAVSEA
S9086-ND-STM-000. Provides major policies
and instructions pertaining to the maintenance of
electronic equipment and safety information on
board both active and reserve ships.
NSTM Chapter 631Preservation of Ships in
NAVSEA S9086-VD-STM-020. Provides
instructions, requirements, and information for
the prevention of corrosion of ships, boats, and
s m a l l
c r a f t .
I t s
t o p i c s
i n c l u d e
s u r fa c e
preparation, painting, and application of other
preventive measures.
NSTM Chapter 634D e ck C ove r i n g s ,
NAVSEA S9086-VG-STM-010. Provides
information concerning materials, installation
procedures, maintenance and repair of deck
coverings, gratings, sealing methods, and
caulking compounds used for sealing deck
The Electronics Installation and Maintenance
Book (EIMB) contains, in one convenient source,
philosophies, installation standards and practices, and
overall electronic equipment and materials-handling
procedures required by Chapter 400 of the Naval
Ships Technical Manual.
The EIMB, a 13-volume series of individual
books, is an excellent source of basic information that
can be used as a training tool for your work center. If
space is available, you will benefit from having a
complete set for your technical library. These books
are periodically updated by incorporating the
Engineering Information Bulletin (EIB) articles.
EIMB/EIBs are also available on compact disc. Check
with your supply department for details on ordering the
latest compact disc version.