with the administrative management data they need to
systematically repair or alter the ships hull, installed
equipment, or material. It identifies the backlog of
deferred maintenance for each work center on
computer printouts generated by the ships MDS. Your
ships 3-M Coordinator will deliver a CSMP report to
each work center on a regular basis. You, or someone
in your work center, will be required to verify that your
work centers CSMP is accurate and to update it if it
The MDS provides the means for gathering the
information used in the CSMP. The success or failure
of the CSMP system depends entirely on how accurate
the information is and how supervisors and technicians
use that information.
The Planned Maintenance System (PMS) provides
each command with a simple, standard means for
planning, scheduling, controlling, and performing
planned equipment maintenance. PMS actions are the
minimum actions necessary to maintain equipment in a
fully operational condition.
In the following paragraphs, we describe the
primary forms used in the PMS. These forms are
available through the Naval Supply System.
Maintenance Requirement Card
Maintenance procedures are contained on a
Maintenance Requirement Card (OPNAV 4790),
shown in figure 2-6. Every preventive maintenance
action has an associated MRC that describes, in detail,
who (rate) should do what, when, how, and
w i t h w h a t r e s o u r c e s f o r t h e m a i n t e n a n c e
Equipment Guide List
A maintenance requirement card may have an
associated Equipment Guide List (OPNAV 4790/81),
shown in figure 2-7, that identifies the location of all
identical equipment covered by the MRC. Guide lists
are filled out by technicians, since they know where
their equipment is located. The Maintenance
Requirement Card may also have an associated Tag
Guide List (OPNAV 4790/107) that describes what
equipment must be tagged out while the maintenance
is being performed (see your 3-M manual for a
Maintenance Index Page
A Maintenance Index Page (OPNAV 4790/85)
contains a brief description of the maintenance
requirements on all the maintenance requirement cards
for each item of equipment. Included are the
periodicity codes, the man-hours involved, the
minimum required skill level, and, if applicable, the
related maintenance requirements.
List of Effective Pages
The List of Effective Pages (Report No. PMS 5)
provides a listing of all Maintenance Index Pages
assigned to your work center. It includes a report date, a
force revision number, your type commander
(TYCOM), ships hull number and unit identification
code, your work center, maintenance index page
numbers, and a brief description of equipment for each
maintenance index page listed.
Weekly PMS Schedule
A Weekly PMS Schedule (OPNAV 4790/15) is a
visual display posted in each work centers working
area that shows who has been assigned to perform
required maintenance on specific components or
Quarterly PMS Schedule
A Quarterly PMS Schedule (OPNAV 4790/14) is a
visual display that shows a quarters worth of specific
maintenance requirements, divided into weeks.
Planned Maintenance System Feedback
The Planned Maintenance System Feedback
Report (OPNAV 4790/7B), shown in figure 2-8,
provides the command with an easy method for
recommending changes to maintenance requirement
cards, ordering replacements for cards that have been
lost or mutilated, and notifying the systems command
of any discrepancies in coverage.
This form has an original and four copies.
Instructions for preparing and submitting it are printed
on the back of the form. See figure 2-9.