2-58. Which of the following is NOT a general
guideline for going aloft?
1. Stop work if the ship rolls more than 10
2. Make sure the climber sleeve is attached to
a safety harness when the wind speed is in
excess of 30 knots
3. Read all posted safety placards before you
begin work
4. Wear personal protective gear for hazards
other than
2-59. After working aloft, FC3 Smith leaves some
rags and tools unsecured and then goes to
lunch. You are his supervisor and learn that
the ships helo will be flying right after lunch.
What, if anything, should you be concerned
about, knowing the above facts?
1. FOD
2. Rescheduling maintenance
3. Nothing
2-60. For your safety when going aloft you should
wear an approved parachute type harness.
Which of the following components is/are
associated with this type of safety harness?
1. Safety lanyard
2. Tending line
3. Double lock snap hooks
4. All of the above
2-61. A Danger High Voltage warning sign should
be posted at the entrance to compartments that
contain which of the following equipment?
1. Equipment with shock hazards in excess of
30 volts
2. Equipment with shock hazards in excess of
500 volts
3. Equipment with exposed conductors with
shock hazards in excess of 500 volts
4. Equipment with exposed conductors with
shock hazards less than 30 volts
2-62. In which of the following locations should you
post stack gas warning signs?
1. Near the bottom of each access ladder
leading aloft
2. At the top of each ladder leading aloft
3. At the base of the antenna pedestal
4. All of the above
2-63. Your radar equipment has a 4-inch red line
circling it. What type of sign should be posted
for your equipment?
1. Type 1
2. Type 2
3. Type 3
4. Type 4
2-64. A RADHAZ safety sign is mounted on a hook
insulator and warns personnel not to touch the
wire/rigging above the insulator. What type
of RADHAZ safety sign is it?
1. Type 1
2. Type 2
3. Type 3
4. Type 4
2-65. Which of the following types of fuel is NOT
considered to have a HERF problem?
3. JP-5
2-66. The type 6 RADHAZ sign advises of hazards
of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance.
Which of the following publications gives
guidance on type 6 signs?
1. EMCON bill
2. NAVSEA OP 3565
4. NAVSEA OP 4134
2-67. Which of the following instructions is NOT a
proper instruction concerning a CRT?
1. Discharge the high voltage from the anode
connector before removing the CRT from
its yoke
2. Wear safety glasses and gloves when
lifting the CRT by its neck
3. Always place CRT face down on a thick
piece of felt, rubber, or smooth cloth
4. Avoid scratching or striking the surface
2-68. On a ship, each electronics space is supposed
to have one radioactive disposal spill kit.
Which of the following items should be in the
spill kit?
1. A container, rubber gloves, and forceps
2. Masking tape, gauze pads, and a container
of water
3. Respirator, radioactive material stickers,
and procedures
4. All of the above