2-69. If an approved HEPA filtered vacuum is NOT
available for cleaning up the broken pieces of
a CRT, what is the approved alternate method
for clean up?
1. Use forceps and a wet cloth with a firm
back and forth motion
2. Use forceps and dry cloth with a careful
patting motion
3. Use forceps and dry cloth with a circular
4. Use forceps and a wet cloth, making one
stroke at a time
2-70. If you sustain a wound from a sharp
radioactive object whom should you
immediately notify?
1. Safety officer
2. Commanding officer
3. Medical officer
4. Officer of the deck
2-71. X-ray emissions can penetrate human tissue
and cause both temporary and permanent
damage. Which of the following types of
equipment are sources of x-rays?
1. Magnetrons
2. Klystrons
3. CRTs
4. All of the above