SIPPs Single inline pin package.
SIPs Single inline package
tactical ADP Program I, II and III Systems.
SOFTWARE Programs, procedures, rules, and
documentation pertaining to the operation of a
computer system.
SOIC Small-outline integrated circuit.
SOM System operating manual.
SPS Standby power supply.
SRAM Static random access memory.
SSI Small-scale integration.
ST-506 A fixed disk interface system.
SYNC Synchronous.
SYNCHRO A small motorlike analog device that
operates like a variable transformer and is used
primarily for the transmission of data among
analog equipments and stations.
TDUC Transmit data from unit computer.
TFCC Tactical Flag Command Center.
TO Transistor-outline.
TRISTATE Output configuration capable of as-
suming three output states: high, low, and high
impedance (open).
TTL Transistor-transistor logic.
TTL-H Transistor-transistor logic-high-speed.
TTL-S Transistor-transistor logic-Schottky.
TTLC Bipolar transistor-transistor logic series in
CMOS technology.
TTY Teletype.
TVM Time volatile memory.
UART Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter.
UNIX An operating system developed by AT&T
(Trademark of AT&T).
UPS Uninterruptible power supply.
USART Universal synchronous/asynchronous
receiver transmitter.
USRT Universal synchronous receiver transmitter.
UV Ultraviolet.
UV EPROM Ultraviolet-erasable PROM.
VF Vacuum fluorescent.
VLSI Very large-scale integration.
VMB Virtual memory board.
VOS Virtual operating system.
WD Write data.