MTU Magnetic tape unit.
N-FET N-channel field-effect transistor.
NDRO MEMORY Nondestructive readout mem-
NEETS Navy Electricity and Electronics Training
NIPS Naval Intelligence Processing System.
NLQ Near letter quality.
NMOS-N channel metal-oxide semiconductor.
NONIMPACT PRINTER A printing device that
does not mechanically impact the paper.
whose contents are not lost when power is
NRZ Non-return-to-zero recording method.
NRZI Non-return-to-zero indiscrete.
NTDS Naval Tactical Data System.
NuBus Simple 32-bit backplane bus (standard
internal data bus).
O Operand.
OA Output acknowledge.
OD Output data.
ODA Output data acknowledge.
ODR Output data request.
OFFLINE Pertaining to the operation of a func-
tional unit when not under the direct control of
a computer.
ONLINE Pertaining to the operation of a funt-
ional unit when under the direct control of a
OP CODE Operation code.
OP PROGRAM Operational program.
OTCIXS Officer-in-Tactical-Command Information
Exchange System.
OUTPUT DATA Data being delivered or to be
delivered from a device or from a computer
OUTPUT CHANNEL A channel for conveying
information from a device or logic element.
P/TP Power/temperature panel.
PAGE PRINTER A device that prints a whole page
as an entity.
PARITY CHECK A check that tests whether the
number of binary ONEs in an array of binary
digits is odd or even.
PBI Pushbutton/indicator.
PC (1) Personal computer/microcomputer; (2)
Printed circuit.
PCB Printed circuit board.
PE Phase encoding.
PEAK VOLTAGE The maximum value present in
a varying or alternating voltage. This value may
be positive or negative.
PEFT Peripheral equipment fictional test.
PERIPHERAL DEVICE With respect to a par-
ticular processing unit, any equipment that can
communicate directly with that unit. Synony-
mous with peripheral unit.
PGA Pin grid array.
PHOTODIODE A diode that produces current by
absorbing light.
PI Power interrupt.
PITS Depressions in a CD-ROM that causes the
laser beam to defuse.
PLCC Plastic leadless chip carrier.