BFW Buffer function word.
BIDFET Highvoltage bipolar field-effect transistor.
BIDMOS High voltage DMOS FET.
BIFET Bipolar field-effect transistor.
BIMOS Bipolar metal-oxide semiconductor, com-
bines bipolar and MOS technology.
BIOS Basic input/output system.
BIPOLAR A logical true input represented by an
electric voltage polarity opposite to that re-
presenting a logical false input.
BIPOLAR ICs Contain parts comparable to dis-
crete bipolar transistors, diodes, capacitors, and
resistors. Controlled by current applied to the
control terminal (base).
BIT Built-in test.
BOT Beginning-of-tape mark.
bpi Bits per inch.
bps Bits per second.
BREAKPOINTS Location of a point in a program
where program executing can be stopped to
permit a visual test, printing, or a performance
BUS One or more conductors used to transmit
C/D Control/data.
CA Computer acknowledge.
CAP Chain address pointer.
CAS Column address strobe.
CD-ROM Compact disc read-only memory. A high
density optical storage medium.
CHIP An integrated circuit on a piece of semi-
conductive material.
CIS Computer Interconnection System.
CLCC Ceramic leadless chip carrier.
CLK Clock signal.
CML Current mode logic.
CMOS Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor.
Where both NMOS and PMOS transistors are
integrated into the same gate circuit.
CMPs Control and maintenance panels.
CMR Code memory register.
CNP CABLE Communication network processor
COBOL COmmon Business Oriented Language.
COMPUTER WORD A word stored in one
computer memory location and capable of being
treated as a unit. Synonymous with full word,
machine word.
CONTROL BUS A bus carrying signals that
regulate system operations.
cpi Characters per inch.
CPU Central processing unit.
CS Chip select.
CSCP Computer switching control panel.
CSTOM Combat systems operating manual.
Ctrl Control.
CTS Clear to send.
CV-ASWM Carrier-Antisubmarine Warfare Mod-
CD-I Compact disc-interactive.
CDS Combat direction system.
D/D Digital-to-digital.
D/A Digital-to-analog.