Keyboards, 3-11
Keyset central multiplexer (KCMX), 13-15
Language instructions, 8-5
assembly/chassis, 2-4
backplane/motherboard, 2-6
block diagrams, 2-2
card cage/rack, 2-4
Functional, 2-3
modular, 2-4
physical, 2-4,2-6
Levels of instruction, 8-3
Limitations, operational, 1-13
L i n e
conditioners, 4-29
drivers/receivers, 4-20, 4-21, 7-21
Line printers, 12-7
chain and band printers, 12-8
drum printers, 12-7
Linear ICs, 4-18
family types, 4-18
fictional uses, 4-20
gates, 4-19
groups, 4-19
data, 7-32
input data, 7-33
output data, 7-33
Load/write control memory, 7-14
circuits, digital, 4-4, 4-9
gates, digital, 4-9
Logical operations, 5-23
Main timing, 5-4
Mainframe computers, 1-3, 8-8, 8-23
bootstrap, 8-25
configuration, 8-23
controls, 8-23
data entry/display, 8-23
diagnostics, 8-25
initiate operational programs, 8-25
instruction format, 8-8
interrupt/lockout, 5-12, 5-14
power, apply, 8-23
revise/patch software, 8-26
Magnetic disk
data encoding methods, 10-25
drive unit, 10-19
file unit controls and indicators, 10-15
fixed hard drive system, 10-23
floppy disks, 10-7
memory sets, 10-13
Magnetic disk packs, 10-14
data surfaces, 10-14
servo surface, 10-14
Magnetic disk storage, 10-1
data organization, 10-3
disks and disk drives, 10-2
Magnetic tape, 9-1
construction, 9-2
devices, 9-11
handling procedures, 9-2
maintenance, 9-3
recording methods, 9-7
storage, 9-6
transport, 9-15
Magnetic tape controller, 9-12
control unit, 9-13
control panel, 9-14
microprogrammed controller, 9-13
Magnetic tape unit operations, 9-12
offline operations, 9-13
programmed controller, 9-13
read/write, 9-12
rewind, 9-13
search, 9-12
space file, 9-12
Maintenance consoles, 3-10
Man/machine interfaces, 8-1,8-15
functions, 8-16
mainframe computer, 8-23
microcomputer, 8-16
minicomputer, 8-20
operating modes, 8-15
operations, 8-15
Mapped I/O memory, 7-14
Master clock, 5-4
Mated film, 6-17
Math pat, 5-23
Matrices, 6-16