shift, 4-18
status indicating, 5-7
storage, 4-17
Regulators, 4-26
inhibit current, 6-13
integrated circuits, 4-19
switching, 4-20
voltage, 4-20
REI, 5-25
Relative operand addressing, 8-14
consoles, 3-13
operator control units, 3-13
Requestor extension interface (REI), 5-25
independent control, 7-18
input data, 7-33
output data, 7-33
functional operations, 1-14
operational, 1-14
power, 2-21
Ribbon cables, 2-24
Ring, token, 7-24
ROM, 5-17, 6-26
ROM based diagnostics, 8-18
RS-232, 7-24
pin description, 7-30
RS-422, 7-24
RS-449, 7-23
RTC, 5-5
Run mode, 8-15
Safety/security features of frames/cabinets, 2-12
Sampling, 13-3
Search for sync/set suppress/set monitor, 7-14
Sectors, disk, 10-3
Security, ADP, 1-14
Select signal, 7-32
Selectors, 4-14
Semiconductor memory, 6-20
DRAM, 6-24
SRAM, 6-22
Sense amplifiers, 4-21,6-13,6-20
enables and control, 5-5
mode, 8-15
Sequence of events
external function, 7-34
external interrupt, 7-34
input data, 7-33
output data, 7-33
single cable, 7-32
two cable, 7-33
Sequencing circuits, 7-13
Sequential digital logic circuits, 4-10
Serial, 7-14
data operations, 7-28
format, 7-9
Set/clear flag, 7-14
Shift registers, 4-18
Ship, switchboard, and computer switching control
panel (CSCP) wiring, 13-34
acknowledge, 7-32
audible alarms, 3-2
busy, 7-32
command, 4-13
DCE/DTE, 7-29
enable, 4-13
select, 7-32
Single-cables, 7-32
sequence of events, 7-32
Single-channel operating mode, 7-11
Single-phase clock systems, 4-23
Size instructions, 8-12
Small computer system interface, 7-23
SNAP systems, 1-9
Software, 1-10, 8-4
Software revisions
mainframe computer, 8-26
microcomputer, 8-20
minicomputer, 8-23
SPS, 4-30
SRAM, 6-22
ST-506/412, 7-27
memory, 6-11, 6-16
queue, interrupt, 5-13
Standards, interfacing, 7-18
Standby power supply (SPS), 4-30
State, executive, 5-10
State, task