Figure 4-24.C-DITEG interface options.
CRT screens of all 14 of the displays can be copied
or in a two-drawer electronics cabinet.
onto either of the hard-copy printer-plotters. The
C-DITEG also provides the interface between the
C-DITEG Processor Drawer
system computer and the DCC switch panels. The
C-DITEG cannot generate radar sweep and video for
The C-DITEG processor drawer provides the
display on the CRT.
Figure 4-24 illustrates the
interface between the system computer and the
interface options of the C-DITEG.
display consoles, converts computer data into display
The C-DITEG consists of two AN/UYQ-21(V)
data and commands, generates tabular video, and
electronics drawers. These are the processor drawer
processes the bit map memory addresses for the video
and the video drawer. The drawers must be mounted
The processor drawer consists of the
adjacent to each other, either horizontally or
following functions:
vertically, in a standard six-drawer electronics cabinet