Figure 4-14.—The basic display unit (BDU).Symbol generator functionConies generator functionCircular sweep control functionAnalog deflection functionIntensity control functionPower distribution functionI N P U T / O U T P U TFUNCTION.— Theinput/output (I/O) function is the interface betweenthe basic display console and the BDU. The I/Ofunction has two subfunctional areas:the inputsubfunction and the output subfunction.The input subfunction consists of digital and coaxline receivers. The receivers provide for impedancematching and buffering of the input signals. Theinput function also routes input data to other fictionsof the BDU.The output subfunction of the BDU consists ofdigital drivers to send symbol status signals back tothe display console.SYMBOL GENERATOR FUNCTION.— Thesymbol generator function contains the circuitry togenerate the symbology and alphanumerics fordisplay on the CRT. Symbols are generated using thestroke method described in chapter 1 of this manual.CONICS GENERATOR.— The conies generatordevelops the signals required to display circles andellipses.Circle radius can be from 16 to 1,023deflection units in increments of 1 deflection unit.The circle and ellipse data is received from the I/Ofunction. Size of the circle or ellipse is determinedand scaled to match the range setting of the displayconsole. Deflection voltages, consisting of sine andcosine waveforms or conies radius, are sent to theanalog deflection control function.CIRCULARSWEEPCONTROLFUNCTION.— The circular sweep control functiondevelops the signals required to display circularsweep. The function receives the DC and DU pulse4-13
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