Figure 3-22.A PPI console communications panel.
allows the console operators to communicate by voice
with each other and identify locations or events on the
CRT to each other using the pointer symbol.
Sound-Powered Phone. Sound-powered phones tie
the consoles into the ships sound-powered
communications network.
Radio. Radio provides for ship-to-ship or
s e c u r e o r
Console Functional Description
The display console is divided into two major
functional areas: the digital area and the analog
area. The digital area interfaces the console to the
computer and the console operator. The analog area
contains the deflection control logic and the intensity
and focus control logic that drive the CRT display.
DIGITAL AREA. The digital area receives
computer output data, processes it, and outputs
deflection and intensity (stroke) commands to the
analog area. It also monitors console panel switch
status and builds input words as switch status