Figure 3-7The input data word format.
Figure 3-8.The address word format.
display group are described in the following
ADDRESS WORD. The address word performs
two major functions.
It addresses or excludes a
particular console from acting on the following
message data, and it forms the first word of
addressed display messages.
The address word format is shown in figure 3-8
and contains the address word designator (bit 221=1
and bits 220 to 215=0), the console address of the
console (bits 25 through 20) to be addressed or
excluded, symbol type definition, PPI buzzer
commands, auto offset commands, and double
symbology commands.
velocity/category (WC) word identifies the type of
symbol, line, or circle to be displayed. For symbols,
the length and type of velocity leader (indicating
direction and speed of movement) are specified.
One inch of leader indicates 1,080 knots speed for
an air track or 33.8 knots for a sea (surface/
subsurface) track.
The V/C word format is shown in figure 3-9. It
contains the word designator, velocity leader data
including scale factor, type (air/sea), X/Y velocity,
and symbol data.
The symbol data includes
category/subcategory, auto/manual and local/remote
status, threat, identity, and engagement status.
When the V/C word is used-to define a line, the
word will indicate if the line is to be solid or