IDA Input data acknowledge
IDR Input data request
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer
I/O input/output
ISO International Standards Organization
JTIDS Joint Tactical Information Distribution System
kHz Kilohertz
lf Low frequency
LAN Local area network
log Logarithm
LMS Link monitor system
LSB Lower sideband
mf Medium frequency
MHZ Megahertz
MODEM MOdulator Demodulator
MCM Monitor control message
MRM Monitor reply message
MUF Maximum useable frequency
NATO National Alliance Treaty Organization
NIC Network interface card
NICP Network interface computer program
NCS Net control station
NTR Network time reference
ODR Output data request
OSI Open system interconnection
POFA Programmed operational and fictional
PIU Power interface unit
PU Participating unit
R/T Receiver/transmitter group
RGB Red, green, and blue
RCV Receive
SDLC Synchronous data link control
SDU Secure data unit
SNR Signal-to-noise ratio
SGS Shipboard Gridlock System
shf Superhigh frequency
SINS Ships Inertial Navigation System
TADIL Tactical Data Information Link
TDM Time-division multiplexing
TDMA Time-division multiple access
TQ Track quality
uhf Ultra-high frequency
USB Upper sideband
µsec Microsecond
UTM Universal test message
vhf Very high frequency
vlf Very low frequency
XMT Transmit