communication switchboard, 2-4
controls & indicators, 2-13
DTS, 2-9
functions, 2-10
message formats, 2-8
myths & facts, 3-1
net operational modes, 2-5
overview, 2-2
POFAs, 3-3
security device, 2-3
LMS-4, 4-6
LMS-11, 3-6
accessory group, 3-9
carrier suppression, 3-18
control/display group, 3-8
data processing group, 3-7
link monitor mode, 3-9
net display, 3-12
operation & displays, 3-9
LMS-11 (cont)
pu display, 3-15
spectrum display, 3-17
status display, 3-11
system configuration, 3-7
system initialization, 3-9
Message data frames, 2-8
Modems, 1-8
Modulation/demodulation, 1-6
Multibit modulation,
Multiplexing, 1-9
Net Control Station (NCS)
input/output operations, 2-18
modulator/demodulator, 2-18
radio set interface, 2-19
Net synchronization, 2-6
Net test, 2-6
Network Operating Systems
control kernel, 6-12
file systems, 6-13
network interfaces, 6-13
system extensions, 6-13
system services, 6-13
Network operating system
software, 6-13
Online & offline system test options, 5-3
Open system interconnection reference model, 6-4
application, 6-7
hardware level, 6-5
presentation level, 6-5
transport level, 6-5
Phase reference frame, 2-7
Preamble, 2-7
Programmed Functional and Operational Analysis
(POFAs), 3-3
analyzing multistation, 3-5
analyzing single station, 3-3
multistation, 3-4
multistation procedures, 3-5
setup, 3-3
Precision course direction, 4-2
Protocols, 6-10
Radio silence, 2-7
Recognizing LINK-11 net problems, 3-18
Receive cycle, 2-5
Ring network, 6-9
Roll call, 2-6
Shipboard Gridlock System, 2-3
Short broadcast, 2-7
Starlan, 6-12
Star network, 6-8
Start code, 2-8
Stop code, 2-8
Synchronous transmission, 1-5
Transmission cycle, 2-4
Types of communication channels, 1-2