Which of the following tones are
graphically displayed by the LMS-11
Spectrum Display?
1. 30 tones that are the odd harmonics of
55 Hz
2. 30 tones that are the even harmonics
of 55 Hz
3. The 605 Hz tone and the noise tone
4. The 15 data tones only
Under ideal conditions, at what level
should the data tones be displayed on the
bar graph of the spectrum display?
1 .
0 dB
2 .
+6 dB
3 .
-6 dB
+4 dB
When the operator enters PU 00 into the
PU address field of the spectrum display
what effect, if any, will it have on the
operation of the LMS-11?
1. 00 is an illegal address; therefore, no
data will be displayed
2. The LMS-11 will continuously
update the display for each unit in
the net
3. The LMS-11 will update the display
for NCS only
4. No effect, the LMS-11 will continue
to update the last legal address
Carrier suppression can only be tested
when the Link-11 system is operating in
which of the following modes?
1. Net Test
2. Net Sync
3. Roll call
4. Broadcast
When reading the LMS-11 spectrum
display, the technician notices that only
the 605 Hz tone and the 2195 Hz tones
are displayed. Which of the following
setup entries would cause this display?
1. The RESTRICT field set to preamble
o n l y
2. The RESTRICT field set to data only
3. The PU field is set to a unit not in
the net
4. The SIDEBAND SELECT is set to
USB only
Link-4A is what type of tactical digital
information link?
1. Ship-to-aircraft
2. Ship-to-submarine
3. Ship-to-shore
4. Ship-to-ship
Link-4A is used to transmit which of the
following types of information?
1. High-speed computer-to-computer
tactical information
2. Tactical information from a CDS
ship to a non-CDS ship
3. Aircraft control and target
4. All of the above
Link-4A data is transmitted by using
which of the following methods?
1. Frequency-shift keying
2. Phase-shift keying
3. Audio frequency tone shift
4. Quadrature differential phase-shift