Textbook Assignment:
New Technology in Data Communications, chapter 5, pages 5-1 through 5-17;
Local-Area Networks, chapter 6, pages 6-1 through 6-18.
4-1 .
4-2 .
4-3 .
4-4 .
Which of the following pieces of
4-5 .
equipment is replacing older Link-11 data
terminal sets?
1. AN/USQ-36 Data Terminal Set
2. C2P
3. AN/USQ-125 Data Terminal Set
4. Link-16
The CP-2205(P)(V)/USQ-125 processor
4-6 .
board performs which of the following
1. Modulation/demodulation
2. Error detection and correction
3. Radio set interface
4. All of the above
Which of the following
CP-2205(P)(V)/USQ-125 components
4-7 .
provides for communications with the
CDS computer?
1. Processor board
2. Interface board
3. Power supply
4. Modulator
The CP-2205(P)(V)/USQ-125 is capable
of data encryption.
4-8 .
1. True
2. False
The single-tone waveform link capability
of the CP-2205(P)(V)/USQ-125 provides
which of the following functions?
1. Interface with a satellite modem
2. Increases UHF transmission range
3. Increases HF transmission range
4. Reduces HF propagation anomalies
Which of the following options of the
CP-2205(P)(V)/USQ-125 incorporates a
routine to calculate the optimum
1. Enhanced link quality analysis
2. Maximum useable frequency
3. Single-tone waveform link
4. Multi-frequency link
Which of the following options of the
CP-2205(P)(V)/USQ-125 transmits
Link-11 data through a standard wire-line
1. Enhanced link quality analysis
2. Maximum useable frequency
3. Single-tone waveform link
4. Multi-frequency link
Which of the following options of the
CP-2205(P)(V)/USQ-125 incorporates
most of the functions of the LMS-11?
1 .
2 .
3 .
4 .
Enhanced link quality analysis
Maximum useable frequency
Single-tone waveform link
Multi-frequency link