facilitate operator selections and entries. The LMS-11
keyboard is shown in figure 3-4.
Many of the keys on the LMS-11 keyboard are not
used and the software does not recognize these keys.
The actual functions of the keys are covered later in
this chapter.
Accessory Group (AG)
The accessory group contains a color graphics
printer and spare parts and supplies for the LMS-11.
The shipping container is also used to store the DPG
and CDG container covers when the printer is
removed and mounted on the LMS-11. The color
graphics printer is used to provide hard-copy printouts
of the display screen on plain paper or clear
transparency material.
The LMS-11 provides real-time monitoring of
Link-11 operations.
Problems with the net can be
easily detected in real time and you can determine the
cause of the problems by evaluating the different
displays. When the cause is determined, the operator
or technician can take corrective action.
System Initialization
When the LMS-11 is turned on following the
correct power-up sequence, the computer runs a group
of self-tests and then boots the disk in drive 0. When
the booting is complete, the LMS-11 monitor displays
the following message: BOOTING COMPLETE,
At this time, the operator
should depress the RGB button on the monitor. The
Initialization display is the first screen displayed after
the software is loaded. The operator can also recall
the Initialization display by pressing the INIT button
of the keyboard. The Initialization display screen is
shown in figure 3-5.
PRINTER. Selects which printer, if any, is
being used with the LMS-11.
NET-MODE. Selects the Link-11 mode: Net
Sync, Net Test, Roll Call, Broadcast, or Short
Broadcast. The default is Roll Call.
DATA RATE. Selects whether the link is
operating in the fast or slow data rate.
FREQ-CORR. Enables or disables Doppler
CALL-TIMEOUT. Allows the operator to
specify the number of frames for the missed
call timeout. Normal link operations is 15
frames but is increased to 127 frames for
satellite link operations.
When all the required data is entered, the operator
should select the desired mode of operation for the
LMS-11. The five on-line modes are as follows:
Each mode has a unique display screen. All
display screens consist of the following three parts:
the header, the link signal or information area, and the
status display. The header is at the top of the screen
and indicates the mode being displayed.
information area is the middle section of the display,
and the status display is at the bottom of the screen.
The status display is the same for all on-line modes.
Link Monitor Mode
The link monitor mode display reflects link
activity in real time. This display allows the operator
or technician to monitor link operations and detect
problems as they occur. To select the link monitor
mode, the operator presses the function key labeled
LM. The link monitor mode display is shown in
figure 3-6.
During the initialization process, the operator is
required to enter the following Link-11 operating