Electrohydraulic drive machineryContinued
capstans, 10-44
cranes, 10-46
elevators, 10-47, 10-48
speed gear, 10-40
steering gear, 10-40
winches, 10-44
Electrohydraulic elevators, 10-47
Electrohydraulic speed gear, 10-40
Electrohydraulic steering gear, 10-40
power unit, 10-41
ram unit, 10-41
Electrohydraulic elevators, 10-47
Electromechanical elevators, 10-48
Electromotive force, 12-1
Elements and compounds, 2-1
Engine construction, 6-9
accessories, 6-14
combustion chambers, 6-11
compressor, 6-11
turbines, 6-12
Energy, 2-6 to 2-14
energy transformations, 2-9
mechanical, 2-7
thermal, 2-8
Energy transformations, 2-9
combustion, 2-12
conservation of energy, 2-9
sensible heat and latent heat, 2-12
transformation of heat to work, 2-10
units of heat measurement, 2-12
steam, 2-11
Engineering administration , 1-1 to 1-23
engineering department, 1-1
engineering department ratings, 1-6
EOSS 1-12
Engineering administrationContinued
safety program, 1-8
tag-out program, 1-10
3-M systems, 1-9
watch standing, 1-18
watch, quarter, and station bills, 1-23
Engineering department organization, 1-1
engineer officer, 1-1
enlisted personnel, 1-5
Engineering department ratings, 1-6
marine engineering occupational field, 1-6
ship maintenance occupational field, 1-7
Engineering fundamentals, 2-1 to 2-20
energy, 2-6
hydraulics, principles of, 2-17
magnetism, 2-3
mass, weight, force, and inertia, 2-6
matter, 2-1
metal, 2-17
pneumatics, principles of, 2-18
pressure, 2-15
speed, velocity, and acceleration, 2-5
temperature, 2-1
Engineering officer of the watch, 1-19
Engineer officer, 1-1
assistants, 1-2
division officer, 1-4
Engine room lower-level watch, 1-21
Engine room upper-level watch, 1-21
Engine strokes, basic, 7-3
compression ignition system, 7-8
cooling system, 7-10
fuel system, 7-9
lubrication system, 7-10
starting systems, 7-10