Manometers, 11-5
Marine gas turbines, 6-2
Mass, weight, force, and inertia, 2-6
Matter, 2-1 to 2-3
atoms, 2-2
elements and compounds, 2-1
molecules, 2-1
Mechanical cooling equipment, 10-19 to 10-24
chilled water circulating systems, 10-19
self-contained air conditioners, 10-24
Mechanical energy, 2-7
Mechanical refrigeration systems, 10-1
Mesh and micron ratings, 9-27
Messenger of the watch, 1-19
Metals, 2-19
Molecules, 2-1
Motor controllers, 12-11
Motor generators, 11-5
Moving joints, packing of, 9-41
Noise pollution, 13-4
Ohms law, 2-4
Oil and chemical pollution, 13-3
oil spill prevention, 13-3
oil spill removal, 13-4
O-rings, 9-44
Packing and gasket material, 9-41 to 9-45
Packing and gasket selection, 9-41
Packing and gasket material, 9-41
selection of, 9-41
fixed joints, 9-43
moving joints, 9-41
Phase-sequence indicators, 11-11
Piping, 9-32 to 9-41
fittings, 9-37
flange safety shields, 9-40
flexible hose assemblies, 9-33
identification of, 9-32,9-40
inspections and maintenance of, 9-40
materials of, 9-32
O-rings, 9-44
pipe hangers, 9-40
Pipe hangers, 9-40
Piping identification marking, 9-32
Piping. materials, 9-32
Pneumatics, principles of, 2-18
Pollution, 13-3
asbestos pollution and control, 13-4
noise pollution and control, 13-4
oil and chemical pollution, 13-3
Portable fans, 10-19
Portable electric equipment, 12-12
battle lanterns, 12-12
sealed-beam lights, 12-13
Power, development of, 7-3
Power distribution systems, 12-14
Pressure, definitions of, 2-15
Pressure gauges, 11-1
bellows gauge, 11-4
Bourdon-tube gauges, 11-1
diaphragm gauges, 11-4
manometers, 11-5
Propeller, 8-8
Propeller indicators, 11-13
Propulsion units, 8-1
diesel gear drive, 8-1
gas turbine drive, 8-2
steam turbine gear drive, 8-2