Waste-heat boilers, 4-15
Watch, quarter, and station bills, 1-23
Watch-standing duties and responsibilities, 1-18 to 1-23
burnerman, 1-20
checkman/upper level watch, 1-20
cold-iron watch, 1-20
damage control central watch, 1-19
engineering officer of the watch, 1-19
engine room lower-level watch, 1-21
Watch-standing duties and responsibilities-Continued
engine room upper-level watch, 1-21
evaporator watch, 1-23
fireroom lower-level, 1-20
messenger of the watch, 1-19
shaft alley watch, 1-22
sounding and security, 1-19
throttle watch, 1-21
Watt, 12-1
Winches, 10-44