Personnel Qualification Standards
Personnel qualification standards (PQSs) are mini-
mum skills and knowledges necessary to qualify for
a specific watch station, maintain specific equipment,
or perform as a team member within a unit. They are
used to certify that officer and enlisted personnel can
perform certain duties. The PQS program is not de-
signed as a training program, but it does provide many
training goals. Therefore, you should use PQSs as key
elements to ensure that your training program is well-
structured and dynamic. A complete listing of avail-
able PQS manuals is published in the Personnel Qual-
ification Standards Catalog, NAVEDTRA 43100-5.
Depending on your command, you may be re-
sponsible for any or all of the following duties within
your divisions PQS program:
Supervising divisional PQSs.
Supervising the qualification of petty officers.
Recommending to the department head the as-
signment of division qualification of petty
Recommending to the department head the
entry level of newly assigned personnel.
Recommending to the department head any
required tailoring that the division may need.
Recommending to the department head final
qualification of personnel.
Ensuring that PQS documentation is entered
on page 4 of the individuals service record.
Assigning requirements and PQS goals to
individual trainees according to departmental
Checking, weekly, the progress of division
personnel toward PQS goals as shown in the
progress records.
Briefing the department head, monthly, on the
status of division personnel and adjusting
goals accordingly.
Integrating PQS status with the routine admin-
istration of special requests, early liberty ap-
provals, etc.
Ensuring that enlisted evaluations reflect PQS
qualification accomplishments.
Not all standards pertain to the development of
your personnel. Equipment standards fall into this cat-
egory. Equipment standards, or operational parameters,
are standards that are set for individual equipments
to ensure that they operate at maximum performance.
These standards may be determined by the equip-
ments manufacturer, the Navys planned maintenance
system (PMS), or another authority.
An equipment standard for a radar
may be stated as:
Transmitter Frequency: 9375 ±30MHz.
This standard gives the operational parameters
within which this specific radar transmitter should
operate. If the transmitter were to begin operating out-
side the prescribed standards, you would need to per-
form corrective maintenance.
As a supervisor, you have three major responsibili-
ties concerning technical materials:
1. Ensure that appropriate technical materials are
available. Your division cannot operate properly or
professionally without the necessary technical mate-
2. Keep your technical materials current. Out-
of-date technical materials, in addition to causing in-