conveniences, may result in harm to equipment or
3. Require your subordinates to use their technical
materials, both on the job and to prepare for advance-
Observing your responsibilities toward technical
materials will not just make you a better professional;
it will also demonstrate to your subordinates proper
professional and supervisory attitudes.
You and your subordinates should know which
references to consult for detailed, authoritative, current
information on all subjects related to both NAVSTDs
and FC OCCSTDs. Most of the publications men-
tioned here are subject to change or revision from
time to time-some at regular intervals, others as the
need arises. When using any publication that is kept
current by changes, ensure that you have a copy in
which all official changes have been entered.
Official publications and directives carry abbrevia-
tions and numbers that identify the source and the
subject matter of each document. For instance, the
identification number for this training manual is
The term NAVEDTRA refers to a publication that
is published by the Chief of Naval Education and
Training (CNET). The term NAVPERS refers to a
publication that is published by the Chief of Naval
Personnel (CHNAVPERS).
Some of the NAVEDTRA and NAVPERS publica-
tions described here are essential to personnel learning
to perform the duties of their rating or seeking ad-
vancement. The others, although not essential, are
very helpful. (For a complete list of NAVEDTRA
TRAMANs, consult the current Catalog of Nonresi-
dent Training Courses, NAVEDTRA 12061.)
The following subsections include OCCSTD-based
publications, NAVSTD-based publications, and gen-
eral information publications. These publications and
their nonresident training courses are usually required
for advancement.
OCCSTD-based publications are rating specific.
There are two types: (1) TRAMANs, and (2) advance-
ment handbooks.
OCCSTD-based TRAMANs are written for a
specific rating. Most TRAMANs have two purposes:
(1) they are written to help personnel perform the
duties of their rating, and (2) they may be used to
help personnel study for advancement.
The following TRAMANs are based on OCCSTDs
for the FC rating:
Fire Controlman Third Class,
NAVEDTRA 10276-1
Fire Controlman Second Class,
Fire Controlman First Class,
Fire Controlman Chief,
Advancement Handbooks
The Advancement Handbook for Petty Officers
series is published yearly by the Naval Education and
Training Program Management Support Activity
(NETPMSA), Pensacola, Florida, and should be avail-
able from your educational services officer (ESO).
This is a very useful set of booklets with informa-
tion taken from the Manual of Navy Enlisted Man-
power and Personnel Classifications and Occupational
Standards, NAVPERS 18068; and the Bibliography
for Advancement Study, NAVEDTRA 10052. Each
rating has its own booklet that lists requirements
specifically for that rating.