Besides listing the OCCSTDs and the source mate-
rials related to those standards, the booklets also con-
tain general information on advancement. Personnel
studying for advancement should read and study all
sources listed in the bibliography.
Examination questions are based on all sources
listed, whether they are required or are only recom-
mended. Ensure that your division personnel receive
copies to use as they study for advancement.
NAVSTD-based publications are specifically pre-
pared to present information based on NAVSTDs.
Study of the following TRAMANs is required for tak-
ing advancement-in-rate examinations:
Basic Military Requirements,
Military Requirements for Petty Officer Third
Class, NAVEDTRA 12044
Military Requirements for Petty Officer Second
Class, NAVEDTRA 12045
Military Requirements for Petty Officer First
Class, NAVEDTRA 12046
Military Requirements for Chief Petty Officer,
Military Requirements for Senior and Master
Chief Petty Officer, NAVEDTRA 12048
Some TRAMANs are general in nature and are
intended for use by more than one rating. The fol-
lowing publications are recommended for basic infor-
mation and advancement study:
Navy Electricity and Electronics Training
Series (NEETS) consists of many volumes, including
officer-enlisted correspondence course assignment
booklets and modules (texts) that present electrical
and electronic subjects on a basic, introductory level.
They may be studied sequentially from the beginning
or as individual units on specific subjects, such as
radar or microelectronics.
Use and Care of Hand Tools and Measuring
Tools, NAVPERS 12085, covers general uses and ap-
proved safety procedures for Navy hand tools. It also
includes safety precautions, operating practices, and
care of common power tools; operating principles of
measuring instruments and measuring techniques; and
types of fastening devices and procedures for using
them. It discusses sharpening cutting tools; metal cut-
ting operations and procedures; and techniques of
miscellaneous tasks, such as flaring metal tubing, re-
moving broken bolts, stripping insulated wire, solder-
ing, and lubricating.
Blueprint Reading and Sketching, NAVEDTRA
12014, discusses blueprint uses, types, and language;
technical sketching procedures; and electrical and elec-
tronic prints. In addition, it discusses piping, machine,
sheet metal, structural, and architectural prints.
Electronics Information Maintenance Books
(EIMB) series includes installation standards, elec-
tronic circuits, test methods and practices, reference
data, electromagnetic interference reduction, and gen-
eral maintenance. From time to time, you should re-
view this series, especially the general information
handbooks, paying special attention to appendixes and
other portions of the books you may have overlooked.